Welcome, Welcome!!

My name is Susannah, I'm a 25-year-old Danish girl who just graduated with a BA in Environmental Sciences from Trinity College Dublin! All you really need to know about me is that I LOVE adventures and what better way to go on adventures than to travel to new unfamiliar places faraway...

I started this website a few years ago to tell my story as I travel to new exiciting places! In 2012 I went on a 2 month holiday in Thailand and Lao, the following year I volunteered at TRACC (Tropical Research and Conservation Centre Borneo) for 2 months after which I headed to Kuala Lumpur where I had an internship with Wildasia for 3 months. This year the destination is Indonesia for 6 weeks with my family!! 

St. Augustine once wrote: "The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page" - What can I say... I am all about reading the whole book even if it takes a lifetime :)

Take a look around and leave a message in the guestbook before you run off, I would love to hear from you!!!

Susannah x

"The past 5 months summed up in 3 photos"
"Pom Pom Island friends, TRACC" 
 "Farm audit trip with Jyun and Andrea, Wildasia"
"Ninh Binh, Vietnam"

News from Kuala Lumpur

So long, farewell!! Last post from this trip is now up - It has been an unbelievable trip!! Thanks a million for following my blog!! Link


Last day in Vietnam! Link


24 adjectives and many more had a been an English vocabulary wizard: Read the story from Ha Long Bay here

Photos from Halong Bay are now up but the stories will have to wait until tomorrow because I am too tired to write anything coherent this evening!  The photos will probably make  much more sense with the story but have a look anyway and come back to read the stories tomorrow! Link
Susannah Keller Finn | Dublin 2 - Ireland