2/4/2013: Finally off to Borneo
I have always found travelling excausting but I must admit that it can also be rather entertaining when you travel alone and get to listen in on funny conversations among your fellow travellers! In Frankfurt I heard a young guy say to the woman sitting next to him that long distance travel was a bit like being on a long night out... Really? I must say I feel sorry for him because if he his nights out entails being on his own without friends, eating bad food and ?? then someone really should invite the poor guy out on a real night out! Later on I overheard two Swedish guys discussing whether Kota Kinabalu was in fact in Malaysia or if they were on a plane to the wrong country... You would think that they had checked such a thing before they bought the ticket wouldn't you?
However, while the travelling was rather entertaining it was also very tiring and so when I after 26 hours was picked up by the taxi driver Zak from TRACC (The Tropical Reseach and Conservation Centre I am going to volunteer with) I was VERY happy!!! Zak drove me from Tawau airport to the little coastal town Semporna where I was to spend one night before heading to Pom Pom island the next morning. Before arriving I had read a little bit about Semporna and I must say that everything I had read was true... Semporna is truely a sad, sad bunch of concrete blocks and a couple of concrete roads with nothing much going on!! However this was actually really nice as I then didn't have to feel guilty about passing out in my hotel room an hour after arriving :)