Placeboeffetc - most effective
In the medical world is "the placebo effect" an expression of an imaginary effect. In fact, contains placebo mental ressources that would be of great benefit to the patient.
This view is presented in a feature in the Apertura, doctor and writer Jannie Helle.
When the findings made up, there is always a strong effect of cheat tablets. The p laceboeffect can easily be 40 per cent. or more.
"There is something fishy by the placebo effect," writes Jannie Helle, "- the" cheat "pills, which causes it, it is" just "anything mentally, and something mentally, we can not count on. Ergo scrapped the phenomenon and is considered to be to be non scintific almost hysterical, such a little despicable.
The placeboeffect will not be counted for something, because it is too-difficult-explaincable. Now you would think that scientifically trained researchers just find it challenging to find the explanations behind this phenomenon: that belief in itself can affect all possible psychiatric symptoms. A medical effect can be produced at a high percentage of patients receiving a dummy treatment - when they just think that the pills work.
But the researchers keep away with a shrug of the shoulders and a murmur of "hokus-pokus", "the effect is not at all", "it is just something that they believe". And while meetings of the doctors' miracle stories from alternative practitioners with eyes hopeless and deep sukken, would there really be something about just one of those fantaststories, "it's just placebo effect."
But what if it was the bodys way to heal itself??
Health News 1998