The Shaman

Chapter 4 in proces
copy right Jannie Helle

- I will ring the gong to seven, said Barry with a friendly voice that is not expected contradiction. The bell was half past ten in the evening and I had arrived to Reno, where the climate of October was dry and hot, even if the city is located over 1,000 meters altitude. This is because the desert, which spreads down through Nevada.
-- I have cleared the calendar for you this week, so be sure to get sleep well, he continued, and showed me down the stairs to underetagen, where I had a wonderful guest room with bathroom and the prospect of the mountains.
Finally, I had Barry for me. 2 ½ years earlier, he asked if I would learn "the work" and YES, I WOULD. I had been motivated by the times, I had met him in the past three years and may well get the feeling that he deliberately had called at the will of the first time we talked together.
It may seem as an event that I met Barry Grundland, but he says about his patients, this is due to karma, when they find him, and that also seems to be karma, that he was my mentor.
  At the first meeting Steffan and I visited him and his wife Adrianne, who was in our mentor program for 3 days in San Diego, California. She had invited us to come to reverse night hours before we were to be together with Richard. The only thing we knew about Barry was that he was a psychiatrist, as she is a psychologist, and our expectations were nice together, not mysticism and the beginning of new roads.
  Adrianne was loving and talking, and Barry looked like a successful American doctor. His Mercedes cariolet kept in the garage in the elegant American homes and in the office he held talks with patients from all continents day long. It was not that I imagined my life of a shaman. Therefore, there was no thought to that he served in that direction.
   The other morning we were there, said Steffan However, if I had noticed anything unusual during the night. We had separate room to sleep in order to jet-sheet could be sober without interruption of snoring and sleep had been pleasant and undisturbed.
  -- No, I sleep fine I replied.
   -- I heard someone or something breathing heavy come to my room, he said. -- It was as if there was a large animals at the end of the bed. It was felt quite challenging.
   -- You have had a nightmare. I heard nothing.
   -- It was otherwise very livagtigt.
  Steffan has a rich drømmeliv, so we thought no more about it. Barry and Adrianne had to keep Halloween party in the evening, and we went into town to find costumes and lunch in the Mexican town. We were to Dracula, and Draculas bride in black and red clothes.
  Barry was nice smoking Dr. Frankenstein. Adrianne was his assistant. There was a pregnant woman as a clown, a prostitute and the other with udklædninger that is forgotten. One of the Barrys patients were serving and dressed out Frankensteins monster, painted green in the head with strithår and møkt clothes. When the guests rang, he opened the door, took their gift and the smækkede again. This is the kind of gags, the Americans wild at Halloween, which is dark party. He spøgte and laughed and appeared to be good. It was good that a patient participated as open during the event. He had to be pleased with her doctor.
  Over dinner we asked for Barrys work, and he explained that it was based on breathing, body and meditation. We were curious, the impression had been that he was general psychiatrist. We would like to hear more, but the answers at the table seemed puzzling. Talk was otherwise on spøgelseshistorier and amusing songs, as attention moved away from the subject. But after dinner, where the other had begun to dance, he drew me aside.
-- You want to know more about my work, he said. Can you see the monster that is there? He had AIDS in the outbreak. He had it very bad. I did "The work" with him.
    I looked at the man who was dressed out as a monster. He danced with the woman who was sexy lady and so happy and so comfortable. It was hard to believe that than what Barry did, it could help against the disease.
  - And see the pregnant woman who is clown. She and her husband had tried to have children in 10 years. You can see that she is not quite young, right? I also work with her. But that is predominantly cancer, I am involved with. I spend breathing. Through the breathing learn I patient to activate the body's resources to self.
I were switched on and began to ask. He said that people came from many sources. Some came and lived with him, and the other was treated through the phone. It was incredibly interesting. I got the urge to write on him in Ugeskrift for Doctors and asked whether it was possible.
   - No, people will find me, he answered. You to be in contact with me, find me. He told further on the body and meditationerne and committed on me.
   -- To carry out "the work" he said. I can feel it. You are prepared through your work with Richard. You have already learned much about meditation and on the body. There is an ability in you. He said no more, but went out in the kitchen to get more wine. I had a question. Nysgerrigheden and an impatience to know more was raised, but there was no possibility of more talk the evening.
  At night I awoke to hear a breathing space as if someone or something was present and watched me. I remembered Steffans experience the night before and felt almost horror. At the same time came a Sensing of that what was in the room registered that I became afraid and also had to try my reactions. When I admitted it, disappeared on mysterious breathing, and I became frustrated at having felt the fear stronger than curiosity, but sleep took over.
  The following day was Barry started in his office from morning to night, and we went Nortel with Adrianne.
It took a year before I saw him again. As was Adrianne and he moved to Oakhurst, and we met for dinner, which opened our fourth mentor meeting with Richard. At that time, my face wrong, and the survey was twice out of one side. It was plagsomt and I were sad. I told Barry about it by buffet.
   - Hmm, it is a strong force in time in you. It starts off in halsmusklen, pulling up over sybmandibular glandlen and further up to the eyes. I can feel it. I am what is called auburn healer. I brands in me, how people have that.
   I did not know the concept of auburn healer and asked what it meant. He said that he sansede people's conditions inside and could help to redeem them. The ability had been there since he was a child.
  -- Until I were 10 years, I believed that everyone had it, he said. When I went past the people on the street, I sansede whether they had pain, or if they had depression and angstfyldte. But that was not what I went up most of the time. I had been put on the street with a paper for my things and may clear me so well, I could.
-- And I got tetanus. At the time, we could not vaccinate, and we were a jib children in the same department. We were so sensitive that the nurses had to go in underwear, so as not to annoy the nervous system. When we got stuck in the seizure a wood stick in the mouths of us to the throat would not close completely.
-- I recall that one of overlægerne came in and said: - They will all die. But one day I felt a single light as an incredible pleasure, and I survived. Overlægen would have that I came to frequent checks, and as a child, it was strange to see the cigaretrygende middle-aged man asking me to lead the finger to my nose as he did, he shook all the time on their hands, and I could make it much easier than he.
   There was pustet to fascinationen again. I commented on him to see well, he seemed younger and fresher than when we were together last.
   - It is "the work" he said. It is also something about me, but finally we were together, I stressed. Lamaerne pushed me. We talk together from time to time. They would have, I need to do more.
   We were interrupted, just as 1000 questions poured forward on the tongue. Richard would start its work, and the guests who were not part of the group, withdrew, but Barry was just to whisper: - You can learn it ....
Once a year went by, and we were invited to dinner with Adrianne and him. I had started to use some of the techniques he has reached to talk about at the previous meeting, and there were lots of questions. Especially one I can remember:
- Is a part of this work in the metaphysical?
- Åhh yes, it is very metaphysical, was the answer. It tells you that having seen and marked in yourself, it is transcendental and all a part of you.
Erkendelserne was not entirely clear. I had migraines, which he kurerede by giving me red wine to activate an antagonist function.
-- You are ready, he said, and we exchanged phone numbers.
-- It's beginning to snow. I had better come back.
We looked out the window. It dropped large snowflakes, but vejrskiftet had only just begun, and there were only 5-7 kilometres to our house, so we saw his remark as a discreet message on the "time out" as when the hosts to a noon start talking about what time the alarm clock rings tomorrow. So, we gave us good time to round off the talk and find coats. To respond to a few snowflakes seemed excessive.
  Outside the car sat down in snow. We need to run up a small jordvej and rutchede back. When we fought us out to the high road, was the overdynget with snow. It blew and the car slid. It was not to understand that the weather could have changed so dramatically within an hour. There were other climes than at home, and Barry had seen how quickly the storm would develop, since the first flake started to fall. It took us almost an hour to run the 7 kilometer back.

  It took almost a year. Energirejsningen had kept me indoors and udmattelsen taken profits to external activities. We were visiting some friends who told of the NLP, and I felt frustration over a lack of understanding of contexts.
   May I borrow your phone? I asked impulsively and was looking into their bedroom, where I phoned Barry as saying that I had to learn more from him.
  - You will do "the work" he asked, without further ado and explained that he was waiting for call from a patient in the Netherlands, to be transplanted lung.
  - Yes. I, I, and wished that there had been more time to talk.
   -- Great! You must start with your own body. You are ready now for what you have been through with Richard, but indsigterne through your body, you must train with with one of my assistants. I refer to a woman named Victoria E.
   -- I want to. It is hard with the legs and the ground and balance. I can hardly move.
  -- Then I work with the grounding. I take over a half years and go further in the process.
  -- So tell me how I come into contact with Victoria I replied and got around in my bag to find pencil and paper to record her phone number. Then he put on. He had, like Calle Montsegur not superfluous words to use, when the focus was on the patients who were working on.
We had to go 2 ½ years of weekly work with Victoria before I stood in forhallen from Dr Barry Grundland, who in his short visit has standing psychiatrist and the shaman.
  The most iøjenfaldende in the entrance was a sculpture of an impressive blue fish as those that swim around in revene around Australia and Hawaii. On the wall behind hung a painting of 2 beautiful black masai women in yellow lændeklæde and big earrings.
  - They will help you this week, he said, and there was no doubt he meant it. He spoke from a reality where masai women were equally
present as his wife, a great deal of smiling next to and myggen, which sværmede on bordlampen under the picture.
  The fish, raised memories of my adventure "Ming and the magic Object" where the old fish king is a visdoms aspect, and fiskeprinsen is not yet ready to take over the throne.
It requires patience to stand in learning, which is not the prince's strong point, as it is not my. It is difficult when the body is in the teachings of a spiritual development. It requires forbearance and listening to the call, knocking on over the imbalances or disease that often is part of the spiritual process.

  The same day I read a quote in a U.S. magazine, which stord "Unlike our Western beliefs were early cultures aware that the body plays a crucial role in spiritual development. In many shamanic cultures receive healeren or a future Seer his or her force through an illness sent from the spiritual or a nærdøds experience. In sanskrit called the physical symptoms tapas, which means purification. "

  -- Women mystics often have had many physical and mental suffering, added one of my clients who are theologian. There seems to be a consistency across the traditions.

When I finally got the chance to take over for Barry Grundland was no more money back. Kuta had otherwise been a good income, so it was possible to pay for the process of Richard Moss, but energy raising had gone seriously out of the surplus to work, as revenue was little. In one case, however, I met a man who made the one fund, which was open to new medical thought, and I sought money here. Great joy was when I shortly after received a mail on that journey and Barrys tuition was granted.
  An hour after receiving the good message should I leave to a Tibetan charity event, where part of the payment for the entrance contained 3 weights. During a half hour I gained access to a seminar with Richard Moss, which I would like to be present at.
 A little later, a Tibetan tanga handmade distributed. I thought: - I would like to have in my clinic, wondering if I can affect the outcome of the energy of this lucky day. There had been another win, and I felt myself stupid that could think so grandiøst. Then came the woman who let people draw weights away and asked me to draw the ticket.
   - Now, I do not draw my own, I told the fun, because it had a second made earlier this evening.
   - No, you should at least not, she replied, and ranged hat with papir. My ticket was white, so I chose one that looked bright purple in the weakness of lighting in the room. The bit No 06 on it and it was reached on, so she could go up on stage and read it.
   - No 90 she cried out in the House. -- Who is No 90? She bent down and pulled a further tanga, which foresaw a white budda with a third eye in the forehead, so tough. It was the budda called "The woman with the umbrella" and she looked like a demon fighting. In the Tibetan medicine are fighting demons in disease treatment a major role, but I have learned from Barry that it is not the demons outside, we should focus on, everything is in the single process.
  That was my ticket, which had been withdrawn. I am appalled, for it seemed that psykedelisk have thought so, and so the same day, I had the opportunity to go to Barry. It was as pieces that fell into place in a common synkronicitet. Several of the others began to come up with insinuerende comments that I had won twice, so I gave the third ticket away and walked. It would be offensive to win again in a day, which already had so much given.

The Gong sounded through the house with a deep resonant sound. I had been up early to be sure to be prepared. The bell was seven, and I rushed me upstairs. The sun was about to stand up behind the mountains and sent a golden lights through the living room. There was quiet in the house. Adrianne slept yet.
   Barry stood in front of his study in an elegant dark kimino in green, blue and black colours. I appeared in with a calm arm greeting. Space was in half dark. A special Japanese bamboo blind subdued light. There were roses on the table, we had to sit at. A pleasant scent of incense hung in the air and mixed with the smell of wood. African sculptures stood in your shelves and hung on the wall, and small figures of the time, popular mythological figures were everywhere. Books lay in the piles on a large board in the middle of the room. Barry said later that it was his favorite books, and he loves to have them lying promotion, so he can read pieces of them every day, but in years with the training proces the task was not to read, but to experience and learn even by searching inwards.

   - You can not define the mystery, he said. -- You must leave the mystery define you. When you define the mystery, you define yourself, you judge. The body is the biggest mystery of all. Scientists want to define the body. They will not accept to have any larger define them. When you try to define the mystery, do you put themselves in the role of the judge, who know better. Release it, and be present with what is!

  -- I have trained 500 people to this work, you are the last, I do it with. I have mostly trained women. Women are more connected to their bodies than men. They are more open to help a person to find his own path to heal itself. Men have a tendency to tell a patient how they should do. They forget easily to listen.

   -- My work is not to do miracles, but to teach the body to help itself. Sit and let us go into the silence together. Meet your body with breathing and whatever you feel so greet the welcome and see it as a gift. Before breathing to the senses you.
  We began to meditate together, and I fell into the deep calm. I felt that he was with me, and that there was a listening to my presence. He told later that he is indigenous shaman, shaman, the original, which is called
The listener. Listener of the earth ". "The listener only the list, he does not create a path"
he explained. This is compatible with Richard Moss, who repeated saying: "Listen in to what is and hold the attention of it. The greatest gift you can give another human being is the degree of your attention.
To be continued
Jannie Helle