Shamanism is proberly the oldest medical tradition with a story about 40,000 years. It has been practised in many parts of the world in coutries we consider as underdeveloped and primitive, but today it seems to have a growinng. interest.
People with easy asses to art, writing, singing or other expressions that go into deep feeling is said to have a shamanistic kontact, they may not know - or want to know.
My teacher in Nevada Barry Grundland is an MD and specialist in neuropsycology and psycitry and he is what yoy call "Ingigious shaman." That means, the origianl shaman who stands behind the others when tey work. He is also called "THE LISTENER", listener to the earth.
He made me discover my own shamanistic abilities - not in the way traditional shamas works, but as a listener, especially in helping people to listen to their body, oragans and cells. He instructed me in cellular meditation with which he has cured many serious diseases.
I implied the listening much in psycoterapy,with fabolous results, but I have also helped people cure pfysical diseases from time to time. Its like, the world is so big and the disases so owerwhelming and right now I have to take care of my own healing. I cannot listen to every disease, it would kill me; but Barry has his own fine way to conserve energy, and lives most of the time in stillness.
Barry also live very isolated, becourse "one man can only take so much".
But I hope to help people by highteni awareness of theese areas. As in writting here.
A lot say "oh no - rubbish" but some is open, and then we can start working - with the soul.
A lot of people think they know a lot about everything, but in the end, they are only like small dicipels. Fx doctors like to say: You have so or so many month left of your life.
But nobody can give such a dead sente, they can say:
We dont know what to do for you anymore but what we dont know might help you!
That means doctors have to give uo their self certainty and it seems like, some of them vil die for keeping that.
And you have to give that, if you enter shamanism, becourse it iss beyon "the known" world, well you meet it in dreams and visions an syncronisity - but controlled people are able to close their eyes from theese glimse of the unknowing.
If you go out in the metafysic, you have to give up control and accept, you cannot direct what is happening. The soul is beyond the body and is present after death.
it has its journey in life, This journey might involve disease.
Its hard, but you always have to learn and you can begin with asking youself: What shall I learne from this? Disease. loss. break up etc. If you look deep enough in your soul, there will a leaning. And if you enter theese metaphysic area with consciouness, you will find it,
Normally shamans get contact to the metaphysic or "te souls on the other side" by using a drum, a flyve or by rasling; but a guess every shaman has his/her own way. My way has been working through the higher self and therebt letting the aware consciousness in people speak and involve peoples own wisdom.
I guess you just involve more senses in shamanism, your intuition is hightened and a form of clairvoiance, one way or another is builiding up.
Nature gets another form. You can gt messages from the water, the wind, the eartg, fire .... every element speaks to you, every situation. What you have to do is listen, sense and be aware. Then your own fom of shamanism will evolve.