As in all other traditions than the western, chinese medicine is based on balance.
1/5 % of the worlds population lives in china, and the medica tradition there is 4.000 years old, so it ca seem a little arrogant that the western medical world does not listen to the chinese or at least try to cooperate with them.
The state hospital in Copenhagen has tried to have a chinese doctor to explain them, but she gave up, becouse the way of thinking is complicated and different and demands openness.
On the other hand, some american hospitals has chinese professors to teaech nuerses acupuncture.
The basic thinking in chinese medicine is the principe of yin and yang which is based on the enrgy from the energy from the Tao , which is the basic universal energy, that are present every where and in evere.
Tao energy create theese two opposite forces.
Yin ang yang goes through every part of life both the boy function and thereby the organs, the emotional expression, human interaction with other and with nature and on the universal energy as a whole.
Yin and Yang is incomple without each other. That means, that a system or a person always will seeke the opposite to go in balance.
A human always contains his/her balance of Yin Yang, so it is up to the individual to create a balance in themselves and thereby with others. You can be aware of the factor in yourself and by watchin what you are attracted to in athers as opposite pool.
YIN is YANG is
Moon Sun
Night Day
Fall and winter Spring and summer
Cold Hot
contracted Expanded and hollow
Passive aggressive
negative magnetic pool Positive negative pool
asleep Awake
Mentally active Physical active
Following Leading
The chinese devide the body into Yin and Yang parts. Certain organs are considered Yin and some Yang. The attration in energy between theese pools creste energy called QI energ or life force.
The qi energy flow throug 14 channels in the body, the so called
12 of theesew meridians shannel energy to certain parts and organs in the body, while 2 meridians are in charge of it all functioning.
If there is a block in a meridian, there is a bloch in the body parts it is stabilising, and that will affect the yin-yang balance in the whole body. Some ogans can become hyperactive (yang) and some can be become weak (Yin). That will accumulate wasteproducts cholesterol etc becorse the cleaning functions will be affected..
Chinise and indians belive thhat many "symtoms" actually is the bodys way to cure itself, so for the are fx fever, diarea, running nose and freqent urrination a sign of the body trying to heal itself.
Since the qi energy i an infenite source of energy penetrating everyboy and everything around us it can be directed into the body to restore health, and that is what acupuncture does.
The needles which are put directly into the channels of the meridians, that as mentioned diretect the energi in the body, funcions as small antennae to lead and actvate the energy in the body exactly to the body parts that needs healing.
A session of acupunture is often very calming and destressing becourse it is regulation dysfunctions in the body.
Acupuncture can also be used to drain hyperactive qu or to straigten it where it is weak.
There are 2000 cupuncture points in the body, but mostly up to 200 is used.
Diagnoses in Chaina is made by pulse diagnose, which is also used in Ayar Veda, by examing the tungue and the sclera/sclera and often some individual tests.
There is a wide spread and impotant use of herbs in chinese medicine, but there is not the same tradition as in western medicine. Each clinic has their preference in the use of herbs, and som heal medicine can be just as stong as western forms.
Often acupuncture is used together with sall brown pills in the dose of 10-12 2-3 times a day, and each pill is cooected to ceratain body funciion fx the heart, the sexual organs, circulation, brain etc.
Beside that there are herbs which is just as strong as western medine. I have had great help og theese herbs both towards infection and toward body functons as a whole.It is usully taken in hot water once a day and has a strong effct on the body.
The producers are spread around china, but the greatest companies are situated around Beijing, where research and quality improvement is groving.
Western doctors could have great help in combining some of this knowledge with their own treatment.
Together with acupuncture and herbs special forms of tea is a part of the treatment. That does not appeal in the west, where tea is just tea, but in chinese medicine the tea also affect certain organs and is therefore a part of curing,
Acupuncture can also be done in the ear where every organ is reflected in points of the ear.
is an impotant method both in AYAR VEDA and in chinese medicine. BY palpating the pulse with three fingers on the artery just below the hand with varying amount of pressure you can sense 6 organs on ech hand - 12 in total, you can throuh long practise learn to sense the meridians..
As in Ayar Veda and Shamanim there is a close relationship between makrocosmos and mikrocosmos. The chinese detail it in the 5 element theory which links the season og the year to the organs - and again links it to special food, herbs, healing and psycology.
The chinese divades the year in 5 seasons;
mid-july-september. It is linked with the heart and small intesties with are called the Fire element
Late summer
July-mid september. This time is assouciated with spleen and summer - and pancreas- This time is considered stbale and linked to the earth. The earth element.
Mid September-mid december. Associated with large intestines and lungs. This is called the metal element.
mid december - mid march. Associated with kidney and bladder.
Mid march-mid july. Associated with liver and gall bladder. The element is wood
Each element and organ is associated with specific organs and you have to plan your intake of food, herbs andteas efter the season. Special information og chinese medicine will give you orientation on what you have to eat in ressonance with the seson you are in.
There is a circle in the element so that each element drive the next: Wood nurish fire, fire nurish earth, earth nurish metal, metal nurish water, water nurish wood.
The same way the qi element ind the different organs nurish the next depending on time of the year, so there is a cycle in the body in accordance with nature; so by using fertile elements from nature products, you create a balance with nature in the body.
The cycle in nature continues in the body nurished by its products in herbs, spices and tea.
You can read and learn about the organs in western teeaching about medicine, but two organs are looked upon in a different way in chinese medicine. The Sleen and the brain.
Is not considered life essential in western medicin and is often remove surgically in the case of leukemia and other disorder,
It filtrates the blod for broken and dead blod cells and infuses it with white blood cells, which should be considered as an important function.
And in chinese medicin it is seen as an very important organ, essential to a balancd function of life. spleen energy is looked upon af Qi energy, that helps the digestion through the bowls - an it also helps the essential nutritions to be entered the body trough the small intestine.
aLSO the spleen sends qii energy to the large intestine and the lungs, making both breathing and elimination of wast from the body possible.
The brain is loked upon in a more complex way, that in western medicin, that sees the brain in control of all. The chinesesee the brain as the mystic organ - a command center, but a center, that is influences by other organs, in the way that other organs informs it with raw data, abilities - even emotion that the controller has to deal with.
In that way psycasomatic disorders can be seen in a "new" perspective, fx the liver carries anger, the kidned fear, etc, which contributes to the sensation of feelings in a diease; so the brain responds to bodily states rather than initiate them!
In this theory bloked thinking can be caused by constpation, while diarea can "space out" peoples thinking..And the liver influences peoples ability to plan and be strategic. Other unbalances is sadness and grief associated to lungs, hysteria and joy to the heart etc.
So a clever psycalogist relate feelings to the body as much as to the brain, which clarifyes you cannot only understand to think!
As you can see Chinese medicin is very complicated and takes a lot of study into areas that is unknown to the west. It demands a new way of thinking and opening up for antoger precipitation of, how the body works.
It seems to me, that many patients are much more open to this than their dotors which certainly give a problem with communication and this must be the reason that fx in Denmark 50% of patients has seeks alternative help - for their own expense.