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Published in: 2015, 201320122011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1998, 1997, 1996 and 1994  



Published 2016

Mukherjee, Santanu, Lutz Weihermüller, Wolfgang Tappe, Diana Hofmann, Stephan Köppchen , Volker Laabs, Harry Vereecken, Peter Burauel
Sorption–desorption behaviour of bentazone, boscalid and pyrimethanil
in biochar and digestate based soil mixtures for biopurification systems.
Science of the Total Environment 559 (2016) 63–73
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Anneli Sofia Karlsson, Lutz Weihermüller, Wolfgang Tappe, Santanu Mukherjee, Sandra Spielvogel
Field scale boscalid residues and dissipation half-life estimation in a
sandy soil.
Chemosphere 145 (2016) 163e173
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Published 2015

Mukherjee, Santanu, 
Dissipation of bentazone, pyrimethanil and boscalid in biochar and digestate based soil mixtures for biopurification systems
Science of the Total Environment 544 (2016) 192-202
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Mukherjee, Santanu
Microbial respiration of novel biomixtures used for biopurifications system
Source: Journal Crop and W
eed, 11(Special Issue):1-4(2015)
Link: Press here

Mukherjee, Santanu
Microbial respiration of biochar- and digestate-based mixtures
Source: Biol Fertil Soils 
Link: Press here 

Gebler, Luciano 
Bioreactors to Organize the Disposal of Phytosanitary Effluents of Brazilian Apple Production 
Link to full text: Press here

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Published 2013

Antonious, F.G
On-farm bioremediation of dimethazone and trifluralin residues in runoff water from an agricultural field.
Source: Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part B (2012) 47, 608-621
Link to full text: Press here

Marinozzi M., L. Coppola, E. Monaci, D. G. Karpouzas, E. Papadopoulou, U. Menkissoglu-Spiroudi, C. Vischetti (2013)
The dissipation of three fungicides in a biobed organic substrate and their impact on the structure and activity of the microbial community.
Source: Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 20: 2546-2555.
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-012-1165-9

Published 2012
Karanasios, E.; Tsiropoulos, N.G.; Karpouzas D.G.
On-farm biopurification systems for the depuration of pesticide wastewaters: recent biotechnological advances and future perspectives.
Source: Biodegradation (2012) 23:787-802
link to full text: Press here
Omirou, M.; Dalias, P.; Costa, C.; Papastefanou, C.; Dados, A., Ehaliotis C.; Karpouzas, D.G.
Exploring the potential of biobeds for the depuration of pesticide-contaminated wastewaters from the citrus production chain: Laboratory, column and field studies

Source: Environmental Pollution 166 (2012) 31-39
Link to full text: Press here

Vischetti C., E. Monaci, L. Coppola, M. Marinozzi, C. Casucci (2012) “Evaluation of the BiomassBed system in bio-cleaning water contaminated by fungicides applied in vineyard”.
Sounce: Int. J. Envirn. Anal. Chem., 92(8): 949-962.

Published 2011  

Coppola L., F. Comitini, C. Casucci, V. Milanovic, E. Monaci, M. Marinozzi, M. Taccari, M. Ciani, C. Vischetti (2011)
“Fungicides degradation in an organic biomixture: impact on microbial diversity”.
Source: New Biotechnology, 29 (1): 99-106.

De Wilde, T; Capri, E; Husby, J; Castillo, M.d.P.; Karpouzas, D; Nilsson, E; Spliid, NH
3rd European Biobed Workshop
Source: Environmental Science and Pollution Research Volume 18 Pages: 132-134 Published: 2011

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 Published 2010
Acevedo, F., Pizzul, L.,Castillo, M.d.P., Gonzalez, M.E., Cea, M., Gianfreda, L. and Diez, M.C.
Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by free and nanoclay-immobilized manganese peroxidase from Anthracophyllum discolor.
Source: Chemosphere 80(3): 271-278.
Coppola, L; Castillo, MdP; Vischetti, C.
Degradation of isoproturon and bentazone in peat- and compost-based biomixtures
Source: Pest Management Science Volume 67 Pages: 107-113
Link to full text: Press here
De Wilde, T; Spanoghe, P; Sniegowksi, K; et al.
Transport and degradation of metalaxyl and isoproturon in biopurification columns inoculated with pesticide-primed material
Source: Chemosphere, Volume: 78 Issue: 1 Pages: 56-60 
De Wilde, T; Debaer, C; Ryckeboer, J; et al.
The influence of small- and large-scale composting on the dissipation of pesticide residues in a biopurification matrix
Source: Journal of the Science of  Food and Agriculture, Volume: 90 Issue: 7 Pages: 1113-1120

De Wilde, T; Spanoghe, P; Ryckeboer, J; et al.
Transport and degradation of pesticides in a biopurification system under variable flux, part I: A microcosm study
Source: Environmental Pollution, Volume: 158 Issue: 10 Pages: 3309-3316
De Wilde, T; Spanoghe, P; Ryckeboer, J; et al.
Transport and degradation of pesticides in a biopurification system under variable flux Part II: A macrocosm study
Source: Environmental Pollution, Volume: 158 Issue: 10 Pages: 3317-3322  
Karanasios, E; Tsiropoulos, NG; Karpouzas, DG; et al.
Degradation and Adsorption of Pesticides in Compost-Based Biomixtures as Potential Substrates for Biobeds in Southern Europe
Source: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Volume: 58 Issue: 16 Pages: 9147-9156 
Karanasios, E; Tsiropoulos, NG; Karpouzas, DG; et al.
Novel biomixtures based on local Mediterranean lignocellulosic materials: Evaluation for use in biobed systems
Source: Chemosphere, Volume: 80 Issue: 8 Pages: 914-921

Kravvariti, K; Tsiropoulos, NG; Karpouzas, DG
Degradation and adsorption of terbuthylazine and chlorpyrifos in biobed biomixtures from composted cotton crop residues
Source: Pest Management Science, Volume: 66 Issue: 10 Pages: 1122-1128

Tortella, G.R.; O. Rubilar, M. Cea, C. Wulff, O. Martínez andM.C. Diez
Biostimulation of agricultural biobeds with NPK fertilizer on chlorpyrifos degradation to avoid soil and water contamination

Source: J. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 10 (4): 464 - 475
Link for full text: Press here

Published 2009
Bozdogan, AM; Yarpuz-Bozdogan, N; Oztekin, ME; et al. Editor(s): Kosutic, S
Biobed: Protecting environment from pesticide contamination during filling and cleaning of sprayer
Source: Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering, Proceedings, Volume: 37 Pages: 171-176 Published: 2009 Conference Title: 37th International Symposium of Agricultural Engineering Conference Date: FEB 10-13,Conference Location: Opatija, Croatia 
De Wilde, T; Spanoghe, P; Ryckeboer, J; et al.
Sorption characteristics of pesticides on matrix substrates used in biopurification systems
Source: Chemosphere, Volume: 75 Issue: 1 Pages: 100-108 
De Wilde, T; Mertens, J; Simunek, J; et al.
Characterizing pesticide sorption and degradation in microscale biopurification systems using column displacement experiments
Source: Environmental Pollution, Volume: 157 Issue: 2 Pages: 463-473

De Wilde, T; Spanoghe, P; Mertens, J; et al.
Characterizing pesticide sorption and degradation in macro scale biopurification systems using column displacement experiments
Source: Environmental Pollution, Volume: 157 Issue: 4 Pages: 1373-1381


Monaci E., L. Coppola, C. Casucci, P. Perucci, C. Vischetti (2009)
“Retention capacity of an organic bio-mixture against different mixtures of fungicides applied in vineyard”.
Source: J. Envir. Sci. Health B, Vol. 44, n. 7: 724-729.


Pizzul, L; Castillo, M.d.D.; Stenstrom, J
Degradation of glyphosate and other pesticides by ligninolytic enzymes
Source: Biodegradation, Volume: 20 Issue: 6 Pages: 751-759

Published 2008

Castillo, M.d.P.; Torstensson, L; Stenstrom, J
Biobeds for environmental protection from pesticide use - A review 
Source: JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY Volume: 56 Issue: 15 Pages: 6206-6219
Link for full text: Press here

Castillo, M.d.P. and Torstensson, L.
Biobeds - Biotechnology for Environmental Protection from Pesticide Pollution; in Methods and Techniques for Cleaning-up Contaminated Sites. Source: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Methods and Techniques for Cleaning-up Contaminated Sites, Sinaia, Romania, 9-11 October 2006. Annable, M.D.; Teodorescu, M.; Hlavinek, P.; Diels, L. (Eds.). Series: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series. Subseries: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security. ISBN: 978-1-4020-6874-4.

De Wilde, T; Mertens, J; Spanoghe, P, et al.
Sorption kinetics and its effects on retention and leaching
Source: Chesphere, Volume: 72   Issue: 3   Pages: 509-516   

Vischetti, C; Monaci, E; Cardinali, A; et al.
The effect of initial concentration, co-application and repeated applications on pesticide degradation in a biobed mixture
Source: Chesphere, Volume: 72 Issue: 11 Pages: 1739-1743

Published 2007

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Castillo, MD; Torstensson, L
Effect of biobed composition, moisture, and temperature on the degradation of pesticides
Source: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Volume: 55 Issue: 14 Pages: 5725-5733

Coppola, L; Castillo, MD; Monaci, E; et al.
Adaptation of the biobed composition for chlorpyrifos degradation to southern Europe conditions
Source: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Volume: 55 Issue: 2 Pages: 396-401

De Wilde, T; Spanoghe, P; Debaer, C; et al.
Overview of on-farm bioremediation systems to reduce the occurrence of point source contamination
Source: Pest Management Science, Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 111-128

Fait, G; Nicelli, M; Fragoulis, G; et al.
Reduction of point contamination sources of pesticide from a vineyard farm
Source: Environmental Science & Technology, Volume: 41 Issue: 9 Pages: 3302-3308

Vischetti, C; Coppola, L; Monaci, E; et al.
Microbial impact of the pesticide chlorpyrifos on Swedish and Italian biobeds
Source: Agronomy for Sustainable Development, Volume: 27  Issue: 3 Pages: 267-272

Published 2006  

Castillo, MDP; Torstensson, L Editor(s): Annable, MD; Teodorescu, M; Hlavinek, P; et al.
Biobeds - Biotechnology for environmental protection from pesticide pollution
Source: Methods and Techniques for Cleaning-up Contaminated Sites, Pages: 145-151 Published: 2008 Conference Title: NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Methods and Techniques for Cleaning-up Contaminated Sites Conference Date: OCT 09-11, 2006 Conference Location: Sinaia, ROMANIA

Spliid, NH; Helweg, A; Heinrichson, K
Leaching and degradation of 21 pesticides in a full-scale model biobed
Source: Cemosphere, Volume: 65 Issue: 11 Pages: 2223-2232


Vischetti C., P. Perucci, C. Casucci, E. Monaci, S. Dumontet (2006) “Biochemical parameter changes in urban waste compost used as a biofilter for pesticide decontamination”.
Source: Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 86 (3-4): 195-205.



Published 2004
Fogg, P; Boxall, ABA; Walker, A; et al.
Degradation and leaching potential of pesticides in biobed systems
Source: Pest Management Science, Volume: 60 Issue: 7 Pages: 645-654  

Fogg, P; Boxall, ABA
Effect of different soil textures on leaching potential and degradation of pesticides in biobeds
Source: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Volume: 52 Issue: 18 Pages: 5643-5652

Fogg, P; Boxall, ABA; Walker, A; et al.
Leaching of pesticides from biobeds: Effect of biobed depth and water loading 
Source: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Volume: 52 Issue: 20 Pages: 6217-6227

 Vischetti, C; Capri, E; Trevisan, M, et al.
Biomassbed: a biological system to reduce pesticide point contamination at farm level

Source: Chemosphere, Volume: 55   Issue: 6   Pages: 823-828   
Published 2003  

Fogg, P; Boxall, ABA; Walker, A; et al.
Pesticide degradation in a 'biobed' composting substrate
Source: Pest Management Science, Volume: 59 Issue: 5 Pages: 527-537

Fogg, P; Boxall, B; Walker, A; et al. Editor(s): DelRe, AAM; Capri, E; Padovani, L; et al.
On-farm treatment of pesticide waste: Isoproturon a case study
Source: Pesticide in Air, Plant, Soil & Water System, Pages: 567-574. Conference Title: 12th Symposium on Pesticide Chemistry Conference Date: JUN 04-06, 2003 Conference Location: PIACENZA, ITALY

Fogg, P; Boxall, ABA; Walker, A
Degradation of pesticides in biobeds: The effect of concentration and pesticide mixtures
Source: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Volume: 51 Issue: 18 Pages: 5344-5349

Henriksen, VV; Helweg, A; Spliid, NH; et al.
Capacity of model biobeds to retain and degrade mecoprop and isoproturon 

Source: Pest Management Science, Volume: 59 Issue: 10 Pages: 1076-1082
Link for abstract: Press here

Rose, SC; Basford, WD; Carter, AD Editor(s): DelRe, AAM; Capri, E; Padovani, L; et al.
On-farm bioremediation systems to limit point source pesticide pollution 
Source: Pesticide in Air, Plant, Soil & Water System, Pages: 559-566 Published: 2003 Conference Title: 12th Symposium on Pesticide Chemistry Conference Date: JUN 04-06, 2003 Conference Location: PIACENZA, ITALY

Published 2002

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Bending, GD; Friloux, M; Walker, A
Degradation of contrasting pesticides by white rot fungi and its relationship with ligninolytic potential
Source: Fems Microbiology, Volume: 212 Issue: 1 Pages: 59-63

Published 2001

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Castillo, M.d.P., Andersson, A., Ander, P., Stenström, J. and Torstensson, L. 
Establishment of the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysoporium on unsterile straw of solid substrate fermentation systems intended for degradation of pesticides.
Source: World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 17:627-633.

Castillo, M.d.P., von Wirén-Lehr, S., Scheunert, I., Torstensson, L. 
Degradation of isoproturon by the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium.
Sourch: Biology and Fertility of Soils 33: 521-528.

Fogg, P Editor(s): Walker, A
Biobeds: safe disposal of pesticide waste and washings
Source: Pesticide Behaviour in Soils and Water, Issue: 78 Pages: 217-222 Conference Title: Symposium on Pesticide Behaviour in Soils and Water. Conference Date: NOV 13-15, 2001 Conference Location: Brighton, England.
Von Wirén-Lehr, S., Castillo, M.d.P., Tortsensson, L. and Scheunert, I.  Degradation of isoproturon in biobeds.
Source: Biology and Fertility of Soils 33: 535-540.
Published 2000 
Castillo, M.d.P., Ander, P., Stenström, J. and Torstensson, L. 
Degradation of the herbicide bentazon as related to enzyme production by Phanerochaete chrysosporium in a solid substrate fermentation system.
Source: World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 16: 289-295.
Torstensson, L.,
Experiences of biobeds in practical use in Sweden.
Source: Pesticide Outlook,  11: p. 206-212.
Published 1998 
Fogg, P; Carter, AD Editor(s): Robinson, TH
Biobeds: The development and evaluation of a biological system for pesticide waste and washings
Source: Managing Pesticide Waste and Packaging, Issue: 70 Pages: 49-58 Conference Title: Symposium on Managing Pesticide Waste and Packaging Conference Date: MAR 30-APR 01, 1998 Conference Location: UNIV KENT, CANTERBURY, ENGLAND
Published 1997
Torstensson, L. and Castillo, M.d.P. 
Use of biobeds in Sweden to minimize environmental spillages from agricultural spraying equipment.
Source: Pesticide Outlook 8: 24-27.
Castillo, M.d.P., Ander, P. and Stenström, J. 
Lignin and manganese peroxidase activity in extracts from straw solid substrate fermentations.
Source: Biotechnology Techniques 11: 701-706.


Published 1996 

Torstensson, L Editor(s): Brown, H; Cussans, GW; Devine, MD; et al.
Herbicides in the environment
Source: Second International Weed Congress - Proceedings, Vols 1-4 Pages: 267-274. Conference Title: 2nd International Weed Control Congress Conference Date: JUN 25-28, 1996 Conference Location: Copenhagen Denmark.

Published 1994 
Castillo, M.d.P., Stenström, J. and Ander, P.
Determination of manganese peroxidase activity with 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone and 3-(dimethylamino)benzoic acid.
Source: Analytical Biochemistry 218: 399-404.
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