The biobed website

Communication and information about biobeds and other biopurification systems.

The purpose of this website is to compile information on biobeds and other biopurification systems and make it accessible to the general public. 

Biobeds and other biopurification systems are intended to bind and biodegrade point sources of plant protection products.

We will be presenting here links to presentations, articles and other relevant sites and materials.

It is also intended to promote discussions on the topic that can give ideas and inspiration for research in sustainable solutions.

Biobeds originated in Sweden as a response to the need for simple and effective methods to minimize environmental contamination from pesticide use, especially when filling spraying equipments. They are now adapted to the conditions in other countries where they have also changed name.

Name for the bioremediation system  


Biobed Sweden and most other countries
Biofilter Belgium
Biomassbed Italy
Biodep Guatemala
Phytobac®  and Biobac France and some other countries
Vertical Green Biobed Switzerland
The webmanagers are:
Maria del Pilar Castillo, JTI - Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineerin is funded by Bayer CropScience

The international biobed website  |