Latest updates
Biobeds in EU. November 2.
Then numbers of biobeds in EU today is shown in the picture below. More information on this and the rest if the world can be found on presentations/Husby, Jens here - Workshops ......
Photos. November 1.
Presentations are now on. October 25. There was 44 participants at the workshop this year. All presentations and abstracts from the workshop 2016 are on Publications/workshops. Have a look.
Presentations from the workshop. October 8.
The workshop was held September 28th to 29th. As soon as all agreements for publications are ready, the presentations will be placed under "Publications".
Sponsors for the 2016 workshop August 17.
We are pleased to have financial support for the workshop from the following UK companies
The 5th European Biobed Workshop The 5th workshop will be held in UK, Tuesday 27/9 - Thursday 29/9 2016 Location: Near London Stansted Airport Payment: Delegates to pay own travel and hotels. Programme: 27/9 Arrival at local hotels 28/9 Workshop presentations and papers/exhibits 29/9 Visits to local bio remediation sites by coach, More information and booking – mail: “”
News September 22.
New articles as well as new links for water grants and guidance for biobeds and biofilters in UK have been added.
New article July 17.
A new article on "Bioreactors to Organize the Disposal of Phytosanitary Effluents of Brazilian Apple Production" by Luciano Gebler is placed under "Publications"
5th European Biobed Workshop April 30.
It is the plan to have the next workshop in the sprig 2016 in Turkey. More later.
2nd LATAME Biobed workshop summary. October 10. The summary is placed under Publications and workshops. Have a look
2nd LATAME Biobed workshop May 26
This one is held in Guatemale in June 26th to 27th 2014. See First Call See also Publications/workshops
Water resources September 2.
A new video about a Phytobac systemin Germany with focus on the water resources is released. Have a look.
More literature June 28
More articles from Italy are now placed on 2013, 2012, 2011, 2009 and 2006.
Information from the European workshop. March 22
Many of the presentations from the workshop is now available on the publication site. The last ones and the abstracts will be added soon. See here. Some pictures will also be added later.
A few days to 4th European Biobeds Workshop March 15
The workshop will be held at Wageningen University March 20th to 21st. 42 participants from 19 countries will be there. After the workshop the presentations and the abstracts can be found under Publications.
New article from Kentucky February 11
A new article is placed on the publication site. Have a look.
Biobeds in Denmark February 8
Biobeds are now mentioned in an updated legislation for filling and washing places in Denmark. It is still not allowed to distribute old used substrate (biomix) in the fields even after composting.
4th European Biobed Workshop November 27
The next European workshop is now decided to be held in Wageningen in Nederland in March 2013. The workshop is for researchers working with biobeds and other biopurification systems.
New activity in Greece September 26
In Greece at the University of Thessaly, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology they have now constructed the first three demonstration biobeds under Assistant Prof. Dimitrios G. Karpouzas. |
The novelty of the approach is to test the use of biobeds for the depuration of wastewaters from the fruit packaging industry. These wastewaters contain high pesticide loads (mainly fungicides like imazalil, thiabendazole, orthophenylphenol and antioxidants like diphenylamine) and they should be depurated according to the commission which gave authorization for the use of these pesticide only under the clause that these wastewaters will be depurated. Further, two mini-biobeds were subjected to bioaugmentation with bacteria specifically degrading these compounds.
Video on new research project in Denmark 3. September
A new video is released on a Phytobac project in the north of Europe. It focuses on degradation in a closed system and how it is possible to evaporate all rainwater from the washing area. You will find it here
New article from Cyprus and Greece 31. August Exploring the potential of biobeds for the depuration of pesticide-contaminated wastewaters from the citrus production chain. See here
Abstract from the Latin American Biobed Workshop. 18. June
A short overview made by Maria del Pilar Catillo can be see here.
1st Latin American Biobed Workshop. 16. May
The LATAN Biobed Workshop was mostly in Spanish, but some presentations were in English and they are available on: Publications/Workshops.
There were 58 participants from 6 universities and 12 countries 9 of those Latin American.
International Course. 12. May
Before the first Latin American Biobeds Workshop at the Universidad de La Frontere, Sede Pucón, Chile Professor John Stenström made the course "Degradation and sorption of pesticides in soil" which is an important background for the understanding of what is going on in a biobed. See the presentations on Publications/presentations.
About the LATAM workshop April 10
First Latin American Biobed Workshop. January 10
The first Latin American Biobed Workshop will take place May 2nd to May 4th in Chile. See more on
Happy New Year. January 2.
We will be back with updates in the new year.
Research in Spain October 14.
A Spanish research group from the Environmental Protection department at the Estacion Experimental del Zaidín from the Spanish National Research Council (EEZ-CSIC) has also started a 3 year biobed project to investigate about the development of biobed system in Spain using organic wastes from wine and olive-oil the agro-industries and greenhouse crops.This proyect is co-financed by European Funds. Esperanza Romero Taboada, Estación Experimental Del Zaidín (EEZ-CSIC)
New page July 27.
From the start we had a Forum site. There was a link from this site to the Forum site, but no one have used it up till now. Therefore we now make a "Debate" page. Here it is possible to place a comment directly on this site. Please do so if you want to distribute some information to people who are interested in the biobed issue.
Vertical Green (VG) Biobed June 16.
A brochure on this special biobed is placed under publications / brochures. see here.
Please let us know April 29.
If anything happens on the biobed issue in your country please let us know so it can be placed on this website.
Mails to network March 22
Mails about this website sent to all working with biobeds
Forum established Martz 21
Now also attached a special forum for debate.
Now public Martz 18
The site is now public and will in the next days be announced to the biobed society.
List of publications February 24.
Contacts February 23.
A list with the names of people working with biobeds in different counties is now available under "Contacts".
Workshop downloads January 17.
All the presentations from the three European Biobed Workshops are now available on Publications.
Work started January 5.
We have now started to work more on the site and we hope to have something useable in the near future.
3rd European Biobed Workshop. September 18.
The presentations from the workshop in Piacenza, Italy are now available. See links to information from the workshop here.
New website for biobeds. September 8.
A trial Biobed website is available under the name "". There is more information on The site.
3rd European Biobed workshop September 1.
The workshop has just been held in Piacenza, Italy during August 30 and September 1. |