
We have made preliminary hotel reservations in the city centre.
All conference participants must contact the hotel of their choice by email or phone. Participants are individually responsible for their bookings. We have an official agreement for a reduced conference rate. When booking the Hotel room, please mention the booking code. The code is: GDC09.
Hotels with preliminary reservations:
Hotel Cab-inn                                                         Rooms from 485 DKK
Kannikegade 14
8000 Århus C
T: (0045) 86 75 70 00
Hotel Scandic Plaza                                               Rooms from 1085 DKK
Banegårdspladsen 14, 8000 Aarhus C.
P: (0045) 87 32 01 00
For participant students or teachers, please see also the following webpage detailing a students/teachers rebate scheme


ICON Aarhus University