Opdrætter: Anna Larsen
Mother: Lovesome Surprise. HD A, CEA/PRA free 2016, MDR1 +/+
Father Sanscott Take a Chance on Me With Mohnesee, HD A, CEA/PRA free 2016, PRA gen.free. MDR1 +/+
Sanscott Take A Chance on me With Mohnesee |
GBCH MohneseeMusicalIllusion |
Mohnesee Bandmaster |
Mohnesee Bewitched |
Sanscott Delightful Dream |
Mohnesee Dreamsmith |
Shellyvales Lady Valentine At Sanscott |
Lovesome Surprise |
PLCH MDCH ROCH INTCH Quashee Operation Chaos |
Quashee High Class O'Pinion |
Arcot Strike a Pose |
Lovesome Kings Rose |
CZCH Muggebigge Birk |
MDCH SMCH MKCH Lovesome Dreamlike Rose
Lovesome Surprise
Sanscott Take A Chance on Me With Mohnesee