Sponsors for the 2016 workshop August 17.
We are pleased to have financial support for the workshop from the following UK companies
The 2013 workshop was held at Wargeningen University in Holland and sponsored by Bayer CropScience.
The 2010 workshop was held at the Piacenza University in Italy and sponsored by Bayer CropScience.
In 2010 this website was started and sponsored by Bayer CropScience
The 2007 workshop was held at the Gent University in Belgium and manly finance by EU’s CleanRegion Interreg lll C, North East South West
CleanRegion, |
The European Biobeds workshops started 2004 in Malmø, Sweden.
The idea to make a workshop for European researchers in order to make bio purification system to avoid point pollutions from plant protections products came from Bayer CropScience.
In 2004 the European Biobeds workshop was sponsored by: