Supernatural Season 8 Episode 6 | Watch Supernatural Season 8 Episode 6 Online

Supernatural Season 8 Episode 6 | Watch Supernatural Season 8 Episode 6 Online
In Supernatural Season 8 Episode 6 Sam and Dean investigate a annihilation and acquisition Garth is already on the case. Watch Supernatural Season 8 Episode 6 Online as Dean is not blessed to apprentice that Garth has affected Bobby's duties, but Garth credibility out that both Sam and Dean accept been missing for the endure year and anyone bare to do it. They guys ascertain an “avenging ghost” is amenable for the murders and they charge to acquisition the antecedent afore the killings starts again.

We apperceive that the afresh apparent astrologer Kevin (Osric Chau) will play a greater role this year, so it's no abruptness to see him in the photos, but we're added absorbed by our aboriginal absolute attending at Benny (Ty Olsson) the vampire who allegedly helps Dean (Jensen Ackles) escape from Purgatory. Intriguingly, he's continuing out in the aurora -- admitting we apperceive "Supernatural's" fanged foes don't about-face to dust or animation if they're in absolute light, they're still not too addicted of the acrid rays, so it'll be absorbing to see how he'll collaborate with Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean in the present day.

Showrunner Jeremy Carver ahead declared Benny as a "strange bedfellow" for Dean and Castiel (Misha Collins) in Purgatory, noting, "I feel like it's a actual arduous storyline and the amateur that we casting in the role is wonderful." Collins aswell hinted that Castiel ability not be too admiring about Benny's appearance, anecdotic the vampire's accord with Dean as "budding ... I anticipate Cas is a bit anxious of it, as a amount of fact."

There's no assurance of Collins in the adventure stills, though, aback he will not be abiding until the additional adventure of the new season. Collins afresh told HuffPost TV's Mo Ryan that his aboriginal actualization would be a flashback: "We're acrimonious up a year later, and it's a anamnesis of Dean's anamnesis of Purgatory ... Purgatory absolutely sucks for Cas. He's loathed, bolter and hated by everyone."

No amount what happens in the division premiere, we're just adequate to see Sam and Dean aback together, and even better, aback in the Impala already more. Click through the arcade beneath to see the new stills.

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