The discoveries at Nydam Bog originate from so-called spoils-of-war sacrifices. The weapons comprise swords and shields, spears and lances, axes, bows and arrows. The warriors’ personal equipment and possessions were also sacrificed.
The left-hand picture shows just a small part of the weapon finds. The largest of the swords in the right-hand picture has a large pommel in bronze with niello inlay spiral ornamentation. Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II excavated the sword herself upon the occasion of her visit to Nydam Bog.
InThese swords, spearheads and bronze shield fittings are from the beginning of the 3rd century AD. They were found in a boundary zone between two of Engelhardt’s excavation sites. Remains of arrow and lance shafts and a woven bast cap were found in the same location. 