Is Nydam Bog worth a visit?
Yes, if you wish to look out over the site and imagine how great ritual acts in the sacred lake were performed in the Iron Age.
Today the site is a green meadow. Parking is available on Nydamvej. From here there is a path (Nydamstien) to the small white house, Nydamhuset, which is situated beside the site of the archaeological discoveries. It takes about 10 minutes to walk there.
The Nydam Society has established two public information boards; one by the parking area and one at Nydamhuset, where interested members of the public can read about and see drawings and pictures of Nydam Bog.
You can also walk along Nydamstien, a scenic path about 7 km long, with other historic points of interest along the route. Request the folder "Als Sound" issued by the Danish Forest and Nature Agency (Skov- og Naturstyrelsen).

If you need further information regarding accommodation, etc. when visiting Nydam Bog, check the Tourist Bureau's home page, and read about other attractions in the area.
The Nydam Society can also arrange a lecture on the history and archaeology of Nydam Bog, combined with a tour of the site.
Contact the chairman, Peter Jørgensen tel. +45 27 90 37 11 or