Nydam Society

Interest in the archaeology of Nydam Bog has always been particularly lively in the local area. The Nydam discoveries were and remain a significant theme in the relationship between Danish and German cultures in the border region.

On this basis, the “Society for Nydam Research” – commonly known as the Nydam Society - was formed in 1983. Through its work, this interest group has contributed to the resumption of National Museum of Denmark’s investigation of the bog.


His Royal Highness Prince Joachim is patron of the Nydam Society.
H.K.H Prins Joachim modtages af formanden for Nydamselskabet, Vincent Jessen. Prinsens adjudant er parat til en parering?

Prinseparret, arkæologer, Nydamselskabets bestyrelse og gæster til sønderjysk kaffebord i haven til Nydamhuset.

Prinseparret, arkæologer, Nydamselskabets bestyrelse og gæster til sønderjysk kaffebord i haven til Nydamhuset.

H.K.H. Prins Joachim i samtale med Bitten Clausen og Museumsinspektør Flemming Rieck

H.K.H. Prins Joachim og formanden for Nydamselskabet, Vincent Jessen, foran C. Engelhardts skrivebord og portræt på væggen


The aims of the Nydam Society are:

  • to research the archaeological and historic world associated with Nydam Bog
  • to communicate this exciting information
  • to determine, using non-destructive methods, what information the Bog can provide about the quantities and type of artefacts and their location
  • to contribute to the implementation of a thorough investigation of preservation conditions for the remaining artefacts
  • on this basis, to ensure that the correct arrangements are made for preservation of artefacts in the bog. Either by ensuring the required preservation conditions are maintained, or by carrying out the necessary excavations
  • to provide the basis for archaeological excavations in the Bog by the National Museum of Denmark and associated museums, including the associated conservation of finds
  • to work towards the establishment of a worthy, permanent exhibition in Southern Jutland, including display of artefacts and the history associated with Nydam Bog
  • to contribute to the protection of the Bog and its surroundings.

Anyone who wishes to can become a member of the Nydam Society. Anyone wishing to support the society’s work and ideals, and perhaps to participate in realising them, is very welcome to join the society. Read more about membership here.

Nydamselskabet og Nydambådens Laug | Sottrupskov 36 A, 6400 Sønderborg  | info@nydam.nu