New Life Outreach

Ilagala crusade in western Tanzania


Our next crusade is from 17. through 22. July and the preparation has been going on for the last 6 months and Ilagala is now waiting on us.

Ilagala is located far away in a rural area close to lake Tanganyika south of Kigoma about 1300 km from Arusha.

Ilagala has never before had a crusade and we believe in a historical brake through for the kingdom of God.

Every morning we will have an open seminar and we will give food to all participants. In the afternoon we have a children’s crusade and thousands of children will be gathering. Later in the afternoon we have our big crusade meeting and the gospel will be preached followed by signs and wonders.

We are convinced that thousands will receive Jesus, sick people will be healed and troubled men and women will be set free - just as Jesus promised.

It's not about us, but the people in Ilagala, and we ask for your prayers and financial support. After our big national pastors and preachers conference all our financial recourses have been emptied and we need at least 10.000 usd in order to do the Ilagala outreach.

We know by experience that god is faithful and that a miracle will happen again. God bless you for being a part of this miracle!

Kategori: News
New Life Outreach | Sagavej 5, DK - 3700 Rønne - Danmark | Tlf.: +45 56 91 10 10 | info@nlo.dk