Sika Haslund is the protagonist in Frosne Beviser (Frozen Evidence) and the sequels Den Sorte Engel (The Black Angel), Skibet fra Isfjorden (The Ship from the Icefjord) and Vinterjagt (Winter Hunting). The first time we meet her she has just returned to Greenland after education, job and a life in Denmark, which was suddenly interrupted. Now she must find her place in a country where she has not lived since she was quite young and a society that is not entirely as she expected. 
Frosne beviser
Frozen Evidence
’From this angle he could no longer see the sea, only the snow-covered mountain peaks that soared above the landscape which was almost covered in cotton wool by now. He closed his eyes slowly. Everything inside and outside had turned pale grey and silent. Feeling queasy and dizzy, he slipped into a strange slumber, and so he didn’t hear the footsteps return.’
A strange virus attacks the inhabitants of Sisimiut during the first weeks of summer. Furthermore, the new cruise terminal is expected finished by mid August – but will it be ready? On top of that more than just a couple of elderly people die. This all concerns the government whereas the press has a field day in a, normally, rather slow season.
In Nuuk, Sika Haslund has started her new pr-job for Go Greenland, the country’s tourism and business development agency. After several years in Denmark, she has longed to return to Greenland where everything is the same, yet everything has changed; Sika needs to realise that she can’t escape her past.
Her job makes her look into the mysterious epidemic together with the journalist Thormod Gislasson, and they unravel a story that takes its beginning decades ago.
Winter Hunting
As Greenland increasingly becomes part of the globalized world, well-organized, international crime is also getting easier - and this is precisely the case in Vinterjagt, which sends Sika and her hard-working partner, the journalist Thormod Gislasson, down into the underworld of Nuuk, where they come under fire with smuggling and sale of hard drugs - and in the wake of this money laundering, murder and human trafficking.
A young Greenlandic musician in spe and an enterprising, Albanian cleaning assistant each come into possession of important knowledge - so important that it becomes life-threatening for them…
The young guy has to go underground. In a race against time, brutal winter weather and unknown criminals, Sika and Thormod together try to find him before it's too late.
The Black Angel 2017

The Black Angel
’Elo Josefsen shuddered in the cool morning; a thin, dense layer of icy fog across the quiet sea was sharply delineated in the horizon by a pale blue sky. So far the autumn had been relatively mild, probably due to global warming, he mused to himself; the fish, too, were reacting to the rising sea temperatures. He closed the door to the wheelhouse, buttoned the top of his boiler suit, and wiped his nose on the back of his hand. It would be some time before he reached the fishing banks.
He narrowed his eyes. The fishing boat to starboard had been stationary for some time; had something happened?’

A fisherman is found dead at a drifting fishing boat. In the cargo hold furs from polar bear and ivory from narwhale and walrus are discovered. Are they contraband to be smuggled out of Greenland and into Canada? Greenpeace objects in international media, and Sika Haslund and the rest of the Go Greenland team struggle to get control of the situation before it gets out of hand with serious consequences for the reputation of Greenland. But others are also interested in the national resources of the country …
The Ship from the Icefjord
'On the northern side of the fjord they had found an even and flat underwater cliff, well over 40 times 70 meters, which fulfilled the purpose optimally. The fact that the depth was a little too big and that the real challenge still lay ahead of them was not something they thought about in this euphoric moment, where caps were thrown up into the air and a liberated laugh echoed between the mountains.'

A violent fire in an abandoned settlement not far from Nuuk ends tragically when Sika Haslund's godfather, a professor at the University of Greenland, dies in the flames. A few weeks later unknown thieves break into church office in Ilulissat and steal and burn old books and protocols.
Far away from Greenland another person perishes under mysterious circumstances, and by accident Sika discovers a connection between the three cases.
While covering the fire for his newspaper, the journalist Thormod Gislasson also comes across interesting matters of another and more ominous nature.
From each angle, they both begin to uncover a series of circumstances that turn out to date a long way back to an entirely different Greenland. Things suddenly develop with an explosive speed and neither Sika nor Thormod manage to realize the full extent of what they have discovered in time.