dermaOXY is the latest within cosmetic clinic and stylist treatments where by using an oxygen machine and an air brush (luxury model) the therapist oxygenates and presses a specially developed serum into the skin or scalp, which makes wrinkles disappear and makes the hair healthier.
dermaOXY comprises various serums, creams and hair products that make the treatment and care of the skin/hair one of the strongest on the market. The products are developed, tested and produced in Denmark and contain ingredients that have a powerful and extremely positive affect on the skin and hair, such as:
Hyaluronic acid, vitamins A, B, C, D, E and F, various plant extracts/oils, amino acids, mineral salts, anti-aging skin and hair complexes, etc.
Each product is combined for various purposes.
The serums and creams do not contain parabens / parabenes.