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A quickie.

15-11-2015 16:26
I started working today around 11 o'clock and I just finished my day 5 hours later. Sundays are usually long days of trading for me personally because of the amount of great matches that are available but with the lack of matches because of the international games, today's markets weren't really that great so I knew when I woke up that two different scenarios could evolve.

1: I would have to sit the whole day and trade for pennies to reach my goal.

2: Some traders out there who sit with higher daily goals would make some stupid decisions that I could profit from.

Since the headline is “a quickie”, scenario number 2 happened of course.

Sometimes I really don't understand people putting huge amounts of money on low odds because its safer. Like, what is chance that odds 1.05 gets beaten right?

I am in the other camp. I absolutely love betting against these low odds because the amount I can win based on the amount I lose Is way bigger and I know I only have to be lucky a few times to make a great profit.

And that is exactly what happened.
(Click to zoom)
I layed the women's game Barcelona-Collerense when Barcelona was leading 1-0 at odds 1.01. Collerense scored, and I traded out to get a profit of 1225.97 Kr. (Divide this by 10 and you will get it in £.)

Then I layed FYR Macedonia u21 against France when FYR Macedonia was leading 2-0. I layed them at odds 1.07. France scored twice, I traded out after the first France goal, netting me a profit of 1309,67kr.

And last but not least, I layed Plzen against FC Brno at odds 1.05. They only lead 1-0 here. Who even bets at 1.05 when a team is only up with 1 goal and 40 minutes left of the game?? Anyway. Brno scored to 1-1, I traded out and got a profit of 1526,87kr.

Yes, a bit of luck was needed. But one of them would have been enough to end the day in a great plus. End result for today: 4779.61kr. (I got a small bet on boxing this night that went my way also.)

And to all you guys backing small odds on Betfair or anywhere else but especially Betfair: Thank you!


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