



The work of art

How to contact David Suchet

Poirot related 

Other sites of interest

Off topic 






A 13 minutes long audio-streamed interview from by Ian Pearce talking with Suchet about "The Last Confession", what he feels about touring, and what he is not going to do with Agatha Christie's Poirot, when the curtain falls on the little Belgian detective... 

Listen to the interview with David Suchet 





Great site for buying Audiobooks - downloadable for mp3 and with reading samples -







My Suchet related channel on You Tube


"The Last Confession" on You Tube... Suchet looks great in red...

An interesting and enchanting behind-the-scene interview with David Suchet about his voice-over in the video game "Murder on The Orient Express"


Some trailers...


How to contact David Suchet...


Suchet's agent will forward your letters - enclose a self-addressed envelope (stamped or with IRC's) if you want a reply 


The address is:


David Suchet

c/o Ken McReddie Associates Ltd.

11 Connaught Place
London W2 2ET





The work of art...


Suchet's impressive CV and voice-over on his agent Ken McReddie's site



The best place to get a general view of Suchet's filmography - until I have made my own, of course - is on



Not to forget the Italian Wikipedia... - a goldmine and the most detailed line-up of Suchet's work thanks to devoted people. It made my life much easier during research - so a whole heartedly thanks from me to you out there!



Playing Shakespeare...


If you want to learn how to play Shakespeare or just have a common interest in studying actors "on the job", you might want to get hold of

Playing Shakespeare from 1984


In workshops guided by director John Barton fine actors such as Judi Dench, Lisa Harrow, Ben Kingsley, Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart and David Suchet among others are giving us their versions of how to understand Shakespeare. Watch Stewart and Suchet in action here, and others from the ensemble here


Playing Shakespeare was released on DVD in a four-disc box set in US March 2009 and a three-disc box set in UK 2010. Details on the content of the original videos made in the 80's are listed in Shakespeare Video Collection under documentaries. 


Al Pacino created his own version of how to play Shakespeare - in Looking for Richard from 1996 he digs into Richard III and its characters assisted by other great actors such as Kevin Spacey, Kenneth Branagh, James Earl Jones, Derek Jacobi, Vanessa Redgrave and John Gielgud to mention just a few.  



More Shakespeare...


Cambridge University Press publishes Players of Shakespeare , a collection of books in which actors from Royal Shakespeare Company write about their preparations and performances on Shakespeare roles they have played in a RSC production. Their writings come in the form of essays and Suchet has contributed with two, one on his role as Caliban in “The Tempest” (vol 1) and the other one as Iago in Othello (vol 2)


Two key scenes on You Tube with Suchet from The Merchant of Venice - Act I, Scene III and Act IV, Scene I in the series: Great Scenes from Shakespeare.





Other sites of interest...


Suchet had his OBE turned into a CBE (Commander of the British Empire) in 2011 for services to drama - learn all about the UK honours system here



Find great stuff (particularly photos in King Size if you dig deeper into the links) on Silvie's David Suchet site - check it out here



It’s a pleasure to read Bartosz webpage on Timothy Dalton; not only is it soothing and relaxing for the mind (no adds to mess up your concentration or aesthetic sense, something I personally value on a page), but the site is also very well written. Dalton and Suchet performed together in the 70’s as members of the Royal Shakespeare Company (Love’s Labour’s Lost, Romeo and Juliet). Take a look at the 'Shakespearean James Bond' here



The wonderful actor Charles Dance, Suchet's co-star in Terry Pratchett's Going Postal, has his own website - Mary's Charles Dance Homepage 



One of Suchet’s great stage colleagues in The Last Confession, Charles Kaye, also has his own site The Charles Kay Archives



A French Blog about David Suchet, launched June 2008 and run by Marie-Claude. It translates articles and news from into French and shows trailers on films etc. Take a look at Marie-Claude's excellent Blog






Zoë Wanamaker is one of my favourites. She has worked with Suchet on stage several times, most recently in the five-star rated Arthur Miller drama All My Sons at the Apollo in London (2010). She is great in Harry Potter and in the BBC tv-serie My family where she plays alongside Robert Lindsay. And she is faboulous opposite Suchet as the apple-eating crime writer Ariadne Oliver in Agatha Christie's Poirot series. It's with great pleasure that I'm able to refer to her official website run by the talented Liz.




The unofficial website for Helena Bonham Carter - another splendid, beautiful and extraordinary actress (and once again, one of my favourites). 


She played alongside Suchet in Live from Baghdad and in the tv drama Henry VIII (as Anne Boleyn)












Another favourite - the amazing John Lithgow. He is incredible in doing psychopathic characters and is hilarious as Dick in one of the funniest sitcoms ever made: "3rd Rock from the Sun


He studied at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) - same as Suchet - and they were colleagues in the American comedy Harry and the Hendersons in which an 'ordinary' family adopts a rather clumsey but warm-hearted Bigfoot. Lithgow is also an author of children's books - check it out on his Official Publisher Page 

Poirot related...


Poirot TV episode locations


Agatha Christie's official website


Hercule Poirot Central- very comprehensive site, includes Christie's other sleuths 


Poirot fan-site


Vanessa's French forum where you can discuss everything Hercule Poirot related - L'Universe de Hercule Poirot





Off topic...


When you need a little time off try this 'catching'  Maya Ball Game...





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Last updated March 2011