Rules Of The Association


The Knight Defenders of Mercy, Justice and Chivalry shall not, discriminate against any individual on the basis of gender, race, color, nationality or denomination.

1.            One should respect the religious believes of others,

2.           One should keep a fit mind and body,

3.           One should display courage in the face of danger and stand up for what is right, even if others disagree,

4.           One should never abandon a brother in arms,

5.           Obey the lawful orders of your superiors, community and country. 

6.           Show kindness.  Treat other as you wish to be treated.

7.           Be courteous and display good manners.

8.           Respect the ideas and customs of others.  Seek understanding of the different people of the World.  Treat members as Brothers.

9.           Be truthful and honest.

10.       Show concern for others. Be willing to help without reward.

11.        Be loyal to family, friends, your leaders and your Country.

12.       Be morally straight and become a person of strong character.

13.       Do your best to live up to the high standards and ideals you have set for yourself.


  Jesper Michelsen