Hello my friend : )
I am so happy to be working with people who are going through fundamental heart processes and experiencing the release of old pains and sufferings from this and past lives.
In the Akashic records we can clear blocks and restrictions, that are standing between us and leading lives, much more intune with our individual flow and essense.
We can work with clearing old karma in the rythm that our hearts allow us to, in a safe pace. Slowly letting go of what has held us imprisoned for many lifetimes, while learning valuable lessons only learned in the darkness.
When releasing heaviness we can begin to integrate the the wisdom gathered through thousands of years. Be it compassion, understanding, acceptance, strenght ect.
This work is not bound by time and space, which makes it possible to work with people from all parts of the globe, through email and distant healing.
In person we might also work with the breath and regression therapy, when appropriate.
I have practised meditation, yoga and healing since 1989 and have been studying many different techniques for spiritual growth since then. Spirituality has been important to me as long as I can remember and an integrated part of everyday life.
-Studying meditation and higher
self comunication with Bent Hagested in 1989. Bent has trained me in recognizing the ego and working with being in aposed to wanting.
- Healing Birth Rebither and breathcoach by Binnie A. Danby working with balancing the mental, emotional and physical body through this technique since 1999.
-Intiated deeksha giver in 2010.
I believe working with opening our heart center, releasing on heart level and even removing outserved karma in the akashic records, bringing in more soul awarness, can make a fundamental difference in our lives and for the world.
We become more and more who we really are, regain awareness of what we came here for and begin moving more naturally with the energy which naturally moves through us and around us. This brings less negative and more positiv karma + connects us with a deep longing to fullfil our purpose on earth and serve in the way that divinity moves us to.
I am here to serve love in moving forward in awareness, empowerment and acceptance.
Love Anneli