Merry Christmas

25-12-2010 12:28
Yet again christmas eve came and went - But what a fantastic night it was!
For those of you who doesn't know this christmas had an Irish/English touch to it now in more than one way. At our traditional Danish dinner we had Irish imported crackers which was a great success with the kids! And this morning, the morning of the 25th of December, we had christmas stockings with presents from Santa Claus.
I truly think that Christmas has been a huge success for the whole family, kids as well as adults, and so what more could you possible ask for?
Oh yeah if cause: Christmas presents and snow!!!! Luckily we had more snow than I can every remember having on christmas eve ever before and the presents was a great success - so all in all a perfect christmas :)
For those of you who are still in the process of celebrating: Have a very merry christmas
Bye for now

Kategori: December 2010


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Susannah Keller Finn | Dublin 2 - Ireland | Tlf.: +353877918605 |