What? Where? How?

12-06-2010 19:06

I have now been in Denmark for a while and an everyday life is slowly beginning to form! However, there are a few things I need to re-learn before this everyday life truly can begin because I might have been away for only 18 months but WOW things can change... 


1. Look left, look left, look left!!! The cars drive in the wrong side of the road - I never thought I would get used to it, but the other day I was nearly run over by a car and that must be proof that I now consider the right side of the road to be the wrong side of the road :)


2. Where is the rambler card? Even though my mum works with the public transport I find myself absolutely lost when it comes to bus and train tickets :) 

3. How do I work the dishwasher? It might seem like a bad excuse but it is not – The dishwasher has almost as many buttons as my computer, and while IBM helped me knowing computers they didn’t help me with the dishwasher so I have given up on working the dishwasher!


4. Leave the umbrella behind when leaving the house! It has been raining quit a lot this past week and unlike the rest of the Danish population I find myself prepared – because in Dublin you never leave your house without your umbrella unless you wish to be completely soaked 5 minutes after leaving the house, and even though I’m in Denmark now I still carry around my umbrella :) 

There are many more things that I need to get used to over the next few weeks, but it is great to be back home with all my friends and my family

Until I write again: Take care


Kategori: 2010 Maj


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Susannah Keller Finn | Dublin 2 - Ireland | Tlf.: +353877918605 | susannah.kellerfinn@gmail.com