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ufowago |
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jb krost | | Haunted Room
Hi Liv... Hope all is well, we have not seen any new work is some time, just wanted to drop a quick note to see how you are doing! jbk
aga susanne | ayahoo.noga_susanne@ |
hei og takk for nydelig side. Jeg snakket med deg for en liten stund siden iht en utstilling på espevær. Vi har planer om åpning av julegata med utstilling, aktiviteter og salg av kunst. Jeg hadde gledet meg du/dere hadde stilt ut noe av deres bilder og keramik. Hadde dette vaert en tanke for dere? Vi åpnet et galleri 15.6.2010 her og tilbur diverse aktiviteter gjennom året, slik som kurs og workshops. Hvis dette er av interesse gi meg en tilbakemelding, slik at vi kan tilrettelegge for deg og eventuel andre...... hilsen Susanne aga fra Møllerhuset espevær ps: homepagen er ikke ferdige ennaa....
Jim Sorvaag |
Hello! My grandparents Ole & Eleda Sorvaag came to the US from Haugesand in the early 1900's. I wonder if we're related? Your site is beautiful, by the way.
Amanda Watson-Will | |
Hi Liv, Thank-you so much for your comment on my blog. I hadn't realized that you have CFS too. I'm sorry to hear that - although it seems from your website and blog you are still able to create beautiful works. I find some of your imagery quite haunting, and am not surprised to see Aine Scannell commenting here - there are some similarities in your works. It was a surprise to see you also do ceramics (me too - although it's a bit physically challenging for me a lot of the time.) Have signed up to follow your blog. Looking forward to seeing more of your work. Best Wishes, Amanda
Aine Scannell | |
Hello again Liv Your website with the categories written in English is most welcome and its a good website looks very professional WELL DONE and let me know how you get on with the new printmaking materials for aquatint??
liv Sørvaag
Hello Aine ! Have tried to translate my website in english ,so you maybe can understand what is written ! I havent been able to start with a new printing yet.have been on a week holiday , but I`m working with something in my head and schetchbook. I love to work with all sort of printing , and I have bougth me medium for akvatint , waterbased , but havent tried it yet. Hope you are doing some nice prints ... B. Liv
Aine scanell |
Hello Aine ! Have tried to translate my website in english ,so you maybe can understand what is written ! I havent been able to start with a new printing yet.have been on a week holiday , but I`m working with something in my head and schetchbook. I love to work with all sort of printing , and I have bougth me medium for akvatint , waterbased , but havent tried it yet. Hope you are doing some nice prints ... B. Liv
Aine Scannell | |
Liv your website is looking very good and its lovely to be able to see yet some more of your artworks. I wish that I understood the categories list which is on the left hand side on your front page. Maybe you could put the english translation in brackets ??) There is also some code you can get to translate your website. I found it for you on this link:[...] HERE IS THE CODE TO INSERT ON TO YOUR HOMEPAGE function googleTranslateElementInit() { new google.translate.TranslateElement({ pageLanguage: 'en' }, 'google_translate_element'); }
Stan Kurth | |
Hi Liv, Your paintings are beautiful and masterfully executed. I love your work!
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Liv Sørvaag | Strandgt. 70, 5528 Haugesund - Norge | Phone: 47079670 |