DKCH KLBCH DTCH DTVETCH Sea Leopard's Irish Spring
Hauxwells Giza
5 dogs / 1 bitch
Born 28.12.2009
Wild and Wicked Alpine Adventure
1 x BIS Puppy
1 x BOB Puppy
1 x BOS Puppy
2 x BOB Baby
2 x BIS Baby
Owned and loved by
Elisa Pultz - Holstebro, Denmark
DEVDHEJSG11 Wild and Wicked Alaska Adventure
German youth Champion VDH
German youth Champion Club
VDH-Europajugendsieger 2011
1 x BOB Puppy
1 x BOS Baby
Owned and loved by
Kristina Rimkolde Feddersen - Them, Denmark
Wild and Wicked Australia Adventure - 2,5 yrs old
Owned and loved by
Jane Pedersen - Ribe, Denmark
Wild and Wicked Arctic Adventure
1 x BOS Baby
Owned and loved by
Fam. Manniche Suhr - Gentofte, Denmark
Wild and Wicked Amazon Adventure
Owned and loved by
Thomas Hansen - Brønshøj, Denmark
Wild and Wicked Africa Adventure

Owned and loved by
Mia Burmølle - Bramminge, Denmark
The inbreeding coefficient is 0 % and is within the DKK regulations