What WHHI is About

Specializing In:
Creating Solutions using natural resources and proven ecological methods to maxamize your properties potential. Developing a healthy and diverse
habitat where wildlife such as Deer, turkey, Bear, Game Birds,
Small Game and more will find all the resources they need to survive and flurish. Additionally I design and help layout practical and effective hunting strategies. For many species of animals taking into account multiple variables.
"My services are available for all of upstate NY, Northern Pennsylvania and parts of New England"

Mission Statement

Why I Do This:
I have a Strong passion for Wildlife, Woodsmanship,
and the Priviledge we call "Hunting".
I am driven by the responsability we all have as
stewards and sportsmen to work diligently in preserving,
nature, wildlife, and hunting for future generations.

Stephen - Consultant

About Me:
I'm from a farming and Hunting Family (Generations) with Native
American roots.
Have over 30 years of hunting experience on all common game animals.
I have harvested game from blinds, stands and with bows,
shotguns, rifles & muzzeloaders.
Student of game & nature. Spent years studying & observing wildlife.
Attended Natural Resource and Wildlife management seminars, lectures
and I've read plenty of literature and watched many videos.
Academic Studies in Ecology, Biology, Earth Science. & Recreation &
Leisure Management (Degree). Certifications in Natural Resources,
Conservation, Quality Deer Management.