Chica and Fighter BOB and BOS - this time
at CACIB Dogshow in Karlsruhe 3/12 2017 :)
Judge: Michaela Rukopf, DE, 43 entries
Lovesome Surprise,
V1 CH-class, CAC, CAC-Club, CACIB, Baden-Württemberg Sieger, Alpensieger, best female and BOB :)Light My Fire Amoreno,
V1 CH-class, CAC, CAC-club, CACIB, Baden-Württemberg Sieger, Alpensiegr, best male and BOS :)
HAPPY - Annazobelle´s Happy Ending
V3 juniorclass
CAC Dog Show in Karlsruhe 2/12 2017:
Judge: Josef Hartich, DE, 50 entries
Lovesome Surprise
V2 CH-class, R.CAC, R.CAC-club
Light My Fire Amoreno
V2 CH-class, R.CAC, R.CAC-club
Annazobelles Happy Ending
V3 juniorclass
Bundessieger and International Dog Show Dortmund
Judges: Peter Muzslai, HU and Klaus Frankerberger,D,
35 and 43 entries
Lovesome Surprise
BSG: V1 CH-class, CAC (x2), CACIB, Best Female, BOS, Bundessieger 2017, CRUFT´s Qualification.
IDS: V1 CH-class, CAC, CACIB, Best Female, Herbstsieger 🙂
Light My Fire Amoreno
BSG: V3 CH-class
IDS: V1 CH-class, CAC, CACIB, Best Male, Herbstsieger, BOS
Annazobelle´s Happy Ending
BSG: VP1 - Best Puppy
IDS: VP1 - Best Puppy

Zwolle 7-10-2017
Judge Jos Dekker, NL
Light My Fire Amoreno VG Championklasse
Annazobelles Image of Love BOB hvalp
Lovesome Surprise EXC1 championklasse
Sunday 17th September - CAC Dogshow (CfBrH) in Kaltenkirchen, DE
Judge Hans-Joachim Dux, DE, 38 entries.
Annazobelles Happy Ending Very promissing, BOB-puppy
Lovesome Surprise 1V CH-class, CAC, CAC-club
Light My Fire Amoreno 1V CH-class, CAC, CAC-club
Saturday 2/9-2017 IDS Luxembourg
Judge Regina Blessing, DE
Light My Fire Amoreno.
V2 championclass CACL Res.CACIB Luxembourg Champion
Lovesome Surprise
V1 championclass CACL Res.CACIB Luxembourg Champion
Annazobelles Happy Ending - BOB Puppy
Sunday 20/8 2017 CAC-show CfBrH, Peine
Judge A. Lubaszka, PL 37 entries
Lovesome Surprise V1 championclass, CAC CfBrH Best Female and BOB
Light My Fire Amoreno V1 championclass CAC CfBrH Best Male and BOS
Second year in a row Chica and Fighter was BOB and BOS

Sunday 6/8-2017 CAC Clubshow 1. SSCD in Siegen. Judge Rolf Blessing Lovesome Surprise V1 CH Class, CAC, CAC Club, Best female and BOS
Light My Fire Amoreno V1 CH Class, CAC, CAC Club
Annazobelle’s Happy Ending, VP1, Best female baby and BEST PUPPY of all (4-8 month) at her very first show
Saturday 5/8 - International show. Bremen. Judge Krisztina László, HU. Lovesome Surprise V1 championclass CAC VDH, CAC CfBrH CACIB
Light My Fire Amoreno V1 championclass CAC VDH, CAC CfBrH R.CACIB
International Dogshow Echt, Limburgia 2/7-2017
Judge Hans Van- Den Bergh
Lovesome Surprise
V1 championclass R.CAC R.CACIB
Light My Fire Amoreno
V2 Championclass
CAC-show 1.SSCD Alsdorf 2/7-2017
Judge Freddy Declercq, B
Lovesome Surprise
V1 Championvclass, CAC, CAC Club 1.SSCD
Light My Fire Amoreno
V2 championclass res.CAC, ResCAC Club 1.SSCD
Lovesome Surprise og Light My Fire Amoreno – BIS Par
Great day at clubshow 1.SSCD in Kindenheim 11/6-2017, judge Iris Pasternak, DE:
CHICA (owner Lone Pedersen and Anna Larsen): V1 CH Class, CAC, Best Female, Club Winner and BOS
BEAUTY- V1 Vet Class, CAC Vet, Club Veteran Winner, BOV
FIGHTER: V2 CH Class, R. CAC and placed as 10th Best Sheltie of the Year 2016 at 1.SSCD
CHICA and FIGHTER Best Couple

Prizes from the clubshow
BOB Couple
Below: Chica, Fighter and Beauty

Thanks to the Drechsel family for the pictures from the clubshow
Int. Dogshow in Hannover 10/6-2017, DE, judge Heidi Müller-Heinz
Showteam Annazobelle did it again
2 x CAC- 2x CACIB - BOB - BOS and New International Champion
Light My Fire Amoreno: V1 CH-Class, CAC, CAC Club, CACIB, Hannover Winner, Best male and finally BOB
Lovesome Surprise - V1 CH-Class, CAC, CAC Club, CACIB, Hannover Winner, Best female, BOS and NEW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION
We are very proud and Happy
13/5-2017 Int. Dog Show, Neumünster, DE, judge Josef Hartich, DE
Light My Fire Amoreno
V1 CH-class, CAC, CAC club 1.SSCD, CACIB
Lovesome Surprise
V2 CH-class, R.CAC, R.CAC club 1.SSCD

30/4-Brandenburg-1.SSCD-26 entries, judge J. Böhi-Wenger (CH):
Light My Fire Amoreno - Fighter - V1 CH Class - CAC - CAC Club - Best male and BOB
Lovesome Surprise – Chica - V1 CH Class - CAC - CAC Club
FIGHTER and CHICA Best Couple

29/4 – Dallmin – CfBrH – 30 entries, judge Guy Kips (LUX)
Light My Fire Amoreno - Fighter V1 Chclass – CAC CAC Club – Best Male and Bos
Lovesome Surprise – Chica V2 Chclass – R.CAC. R.CAC CLUB
Fighter and Chica BIS Couple
National dogshow, Aars, 16/4-2017
Judge Annette Bystrup, DK
Annazobelles Golden Dream
SL, Best Male Puppy, BOS Puppy
Light My Fire Amoreno...
EXC2 CK championclass
Lovesome Surprise
EXC3 CK championclass
Hvidebro Zobel
EXC1 CK veteranclass. Best Veteran
CAC show CfBrH, Tosted, D.
33 shelties. Judge M. Matthes, DK
Light My Fire Amoreno V1 Championclass with CAC VCH and CAC CfBrh.
Best Male and then Best of Breed
CACIB-show Kassel 11/12 2016,
Judge Geoff Duffield, GB
Light My Fire Amoreno, V1 championclass, CAC, CAC Club CfBrH, CACIB, Best male BOB
Lovesome Surprise, V2 openclassse, resCAC, resCACCfbrh
CAC-show, Kassel 10/12 2016,
Judge Michala Rukopf, D
Lovesome Surprise, V1 openclass, CAC, CAC Club 1.SSCD, Best Bitch BOB
German CH, Danish CH og German Clubchampion, 1. SSCD
Light My Fire Amoreno, V1 championklasse, CAC, CAC Club 1.SSCD, Best male, BOS
Hvidebro Zobel V1 veteranclass, CAC-V, CAC-V Club 1.SSCD, BOB-Veteran
DSSK Clubshow, Vandel,19. november 2016
54 entries, special breed judge Denise Rowan, GB:
Light My Fire Amoreno, 1V CH class, CK, Club CAC, best male and BOS
Lovesome Surprise 4V with CK in strong open class (4/13) - only 3 month after puppies and out of coat :)
Rostock 2/10, Clubshow, SSCDeV, Judge Josef Hartich, DE
Light my Fire Amoreno, V1, championclass,. CAC, klubCAC (SSCD) BOS
Hvidebro Zobel, V1 veteranclass, veteranCAC, vet. klubCAC, BOB Veteran og BOB
Rostock 1/10, International, Dogshow. Judge Heiko Wagner, DE
Light My Fire Amoreno, V1 championclass, CAC, klubcac, Res. CACIB
Hvidebro Zobel V1 veteranclass, CAC, vet. klub cac, BOB veteran
Kaltenkirchen 18/9-2016. Judge Janine Böhi-Wenger, CH
Light My Fire Amoreno V1 championclassl, CAC, clubcac, Best Male, BOS
Clubshow Danish Shetland Sheepdog Club 5/9-2016
Judge Lidija Oklescen
Light My Fire Amoreno V1 championclass - ClubCAC - Best Male - BOB
Annabelle - EX1 championclass
Annazobelle's Delicious Surprise VG
Clubshow CfBrH - Gotha, 7/8, judge Loes Mouchart, NL
Annazobelles Delicious Surprise
V1 juniorclass, CAC-J, Club CfBrH CAC-J, best junior, best bitch, BOS
Light My Fire Amoreno ...
V1 championclass, CAC - Club CfBrH CAC, best male BOB
Coco and Fighter -BIS couple
Bremen: 30/7 - CACIB show. - Judge Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis, GR -
Annazobelles Delicious Surprise
juniorclass SG
Light My Fire Amoreno
V1 ChampionclassCAC - CAC club CfBrH - ...
V3 Championclass
31/7 - National show. Judge Susanne Langhorst-de Haan, D
Annazobelles Delicious Surprise
V4 juniorclass
V2 CHampionclass - res CAC - res CAC club CfBrH
Light My Fire Amoreno
V1 CHampionclass - CAC - CAC club CfBrH - bedste han - BOB - BOG1

International Dog show 19/6-2016, Uden, NL;
Judge Ingrid Hectors, BE
Lovesome Surprise
Exc 1V open Class
Light My Fire Amoreno
Exc 2V champion Class - resCAC - resCACIB
Hvidebro Zobel
Exc 1V Vet kl - CAC- Vet Best Veteran
International Dog Show, 18/6-2016 Uden, NL,
Judge A. Gregoire, BE
Lovesome Surprise
Exc 1V open Class - CAC - CACIB - Best bitch and BOB (4th time in 6 weeks)
Light My Fire Amoreno
Exc 1V champion Class - CAC - CACIB - Best male - BOS
Hvidebro Zobel
Exc 1V Vet kl - CAC- Vet Best Veteran
International Dogshow Vejen 12/6-2016.
Judge Davor Javor
Lovesome Surprise EXC openclass
Light My Fire Amoreno EXC3 championclass CK
Mainlands Amber Rose EXC3 championclass CK
International Dogshow Vejen 11/6-2016.
Judge Marianne Baden
Lovesome Surprise EXC openclass
Light My Fire Amoreno EXC2 championclass CK
Mainlands Amber Rose EXC2 championclass CK Best Bitch 4
International Dogshow Vejen 10/6-2016.
Judge Dominic Harris
Lovesome Surprise EXC openclass
Light My Fire Amoreno EXC 3 championclass CK
Mainlands Amber Rose EXC2 championclass CK Best Bitch 4
Lovesome Surprise - Chica -
was no. 10 in "best sheltie of the year competition 2015" -
at 1. Shetland Sheepdog Club Deutschland e.V.
- she was only entered in 3 clubshows :)
CfBrH (Club für Britische Hütehunde), CAC Show Peine 29/5-2016
Judge: Anja Gregoire, BE
Entered: 35
Lovesome Surprise V1 openclass CAC and BOB
Light My Fire Amoreno V1 championclass CAC and BOS
Hvidebro Zobel V1 veteranclass and BOB Veteran
Lovesome Surprise & Light My Fire Amoreno - BIS Couple
Danish Shetland Sheepdog Clubs CAC Show Sorø 28/5-2016
Judge Morten Matthes, DK
Entered 44 plus 3 puppies
Lovesome Surprise V1 openclass (12 entered) Best Bitch no. 1, CAC and BEST OF BREED
Mainlands Amber Rose V1 Championclass clubCAC
Hvidebro Zobel V2 Veteranclass clubveteranCAC
Light My Fire Amoreno V4 Championclass
Lovesome Surprise & Light My Fire Amoreno - BIS Couple
International Dog Show Dortmund, 7/5 2016
Judge Petra Bartz, DE, prefix Shelties von Berwangen
43 dogs entered:
Lovesome Surprise - V1 - CAC - CACIB - best female - Frühjahrssieger 2016 and BOB ...
Light My Fire Amorno - V1 CH class - CAC - R. CACIB
Hvidebro Zobel - V1 Vet class - BEST VETERAN - Frühjahrs-Veteransieger 2016 - shortlisted to 6 in BIS veteran
Annabelle V3 ch class
VDH-Europasieger-Ausstellung, Dortmund
Judge Hans Ulrich Haberli (CH)
54 dogs entered:
Hvidebro Zobel - V1 - Best Veteran and
Lovesome Surprise
V2 - R.CAC (=CAC)
Light My Fire Amoreno – V5 CH class
Mainlands Amber Rose V5 CH class
Annabelle V3 - openclass
IDS Luxembourg 27/3-2016
Judge Sonia Kelveri-Philuppou, CY
Mainlands Amber Rose CACL CACIB, BOS, Amber is LUXCH and the CACL goes to no. 2 in the class. She became New INTCH, and was Crufts Qualfied 2017 - the first show in 10 month after having babies
Hvidebro Zobel BOV veteran - Best veteran and LUXVCH-titel 4th time
Lovesome Surprise Exc 1 v interm Class CACL
Annazobelles Delicious Surprise VP 1 v puppy Class BOS puppy
Light My Fire Amoreno Exc 3v CH Class
Annabelle Exc 4v CH Class
Danish Shetland Sheepdog Club Show 27/2-2016
Judge Christine Rossier
Lovesome Surprise EXC1 CK Interm.class
Light My Fire Amoreno EXC5 CK Championclass
Hvidebro Zobel EXC3 Veteranclass
International Dogshow Fredericia 14/2-2016.
38 shelties entered.
Judge Karl-Erik Johanson. SE
Lovesome Surprise. V1 Interm. class - Best Bitch - BOS - CAC - CACIB
Light My Fire Amoreno. V1 championclass - CACIB - Best Male 2
Hvidebro Zobel - V1 veteranclass - Best Veteran - Best Bitch 5
CACIB dog show Mouscron, BE, 31/1-2016
Judge Anja Gregoore, BE
Light My Fire Amoreno
Annazobelles Delicious Surprise
Very promising 1v and BOB- puppy
Lovesome Surprise
Excellent - 1v Interm Class
Danish Shetland Sheepdog Club - Sheltie of the year 2015 - Competition
Light My Fire Amoreno No 1 - Sheltie of the Year
Lovesome Surprise - No4 - Sheltie of the Year
Pomking Dream Come True - No. 2 - Veteran of the year
International Dogshow Bruxelles 20/12-2015
Dommer J. Korozs-Papp, HU
Annazobelle’s Delicious Surprise
SL – BIR Hvalp
Light My Fire Amoreno
EXC2 championklasse
Lovesome Surprise
EXC2 mellemklasse
International show Cuijk 19/12-2015
Dommer P. Runderkamp, NL
Annazobelle's Delicious Surprise
SL – BIR Hvalp
Light My Fire Amoreno
EXC2 Championklasse
Lovesome Surprise
EXC1 Mellemklasse R.CACIB
BEAUTY/Hvidebro Zobel
EXC 1V vet class and Best veteran
International dogshow Kassel 6/12-2015
Dommer Krisztina Laszlo, HU.
Light My Fire Amoreno
EXC1 championklasse CAC CACIB BIR (BIG 4-5)
Lovesome Surprice
V1 mellemklasse CAC R.CACIB
Hvidebro Zobel
V1 veteranklasse VetCAC – BIR Veteran
National dogshow Kassel 5/12-2015
Dommer J. Hartich, DE
Light My Fire Amoreno
EXC1 Championklasse – CAC – Bedste han
Lovesome Surprise
EXC2 mellemklasse R.CAC
Hvidebro Zobel
EXC1 veteranklasse – VetCAC – BIR Veteran
International Dog Show i Bleiswijk 8/11-2015,
Dommer B, Skalin, S
Lovesome Surprise
EXC1 Juniorklasse JCAC og Ny Hollandsk Juniorchampion
Light My Fire Amoreno
EXC1 championklasse R.CAC og R.CACIB
Hvidebro Zobel
EXC1 veteranklasse og BOB veteran
International Dog Show Bleiswijk, 7/11-2015 NL,
Dommer L. Mouchart-Kleingeld, NL:
Light My Fire Amoreno,
EXC1 championklasse R.CAC og R.CACIB og Ny Hollandsk Champion
Lovesome Surprise
EXC2 juniorklasse
Hvidebro Zobel
EXC1 Veteran klasse BIR Veteran
Danish Shetland Sheepdog Show today 15/11-2015. Judge Ineke Fritz, NL
Lovesome Surprise. V1 juniorclass, res.CAC. ClubjuniorCAC. BB2 and today Club Juniorchampion
Pomking Dream Come True. V1 veteranclass and BOS veteran.
Light My Fire Amoreno. V2 championclass and BM3
Hvidebro Zobel V1 Championclass ClubCAC and today Clubchampion
International Dog Show in Bleiswijk 8/11-2015, judge B, Skalin, S and second champion titel for our team:
Lovesome Surprise, EXC 1V junior class, JCAC and New Dutch Junior Champion
LIght My Fire Amoreno - EXC 1V champion class R.CAC and R. CACIB
Hvidebro Zobel EXC 1V veteran class and Best veteran
International Dog Show Bleiswijk, 7/11-2015 NL,
judge L. Mouchart-Kleingeld, NL:
Light My Fire Amoreno, EXC 1V champion class R. CAC R. CACIB and New DUTCH CHAMPION
Lovesome Surprise EXC 2V jun class
Hvidebro Zobel EXC 1V veteran class and Best veteran
BEAUTY/Hvidebro Zobel EXC 1V vet class and Best veteran
International Dog Show, Herning, 31/10-2015 DK, judge Geraldine Mulrooney, 59 entries (14 puppies):
Annazobelle`s Delicious Surprise - Very promising, 1V minor puppy (baby)
Lovesome Surprise - Excellent, 2V junior class, CK, 4th best female (best danish female)
Light My Fire Amoreno - Excellent, 2V champion class, CK
Pomking Dream Come True - EXC 2V veteranclass
International Dogshow. Hannover 24 /10-2015
Judge: Erika Heintz, DE
Pomking Dream Come True Veteranclass V2 Res.VetCAC Res.VetCACVDH
Light My Fire Amorene Championclass V2 ResCAC ResCAC VDH Res.CACIB
Lovesome Surprise – Juniorclass V1 CACJ CACJ VDH
6/9-2015 – Europavinder udstilling, Oslo
Lovesome Surprise
EXC2 Junior klasse Vice Junior Europa Winnerr
Norsk Collieklubs udstilling, 5/9-2015
Dommer Cathrine Dunne
EXC1 (af 7) BOS Junior
Trophees from Leipzig
22-23/8-2015 – Leipzig International – and Leipzig German Winner
Pomking Dream Come True.
Saturday: V1 vet.class. CAC VDH and CAC CfBrH. BOS Veteran and Leipzig Sieger.
Sunday: V1 Vet.class CAC VDH and CAC SSCD. BOS Veteran and German Veteran Winner.
Lovesome Surprise
Saturday: V1 Jun.class CAC VDH and CfBrH. BOB Junior. Leipzig Junior Winner and German Youth Champion.
Sunday: V1 Jun.class. CAC VDH and CAC sSCD. BOB Junior and German Junior Winner.
Dress Code z Dablovy Studanky
Saturday: V2 Jun.class resCAC VDH and res.CAC CfBrH
Sunday: Sg1 Jun.class and Best Junior male
Light My Fire Amoreno
Saturday: V1 champ.class. CAC VDH and CAC CfBrH. CACIB. BOB and Leipzig Sieger.
Sunday: V2 champ.class. resCAC VDH and resCAC sSCD. ResCACIB.
Hvidebro Zobel
Saturday: V1 vet.class CAC VDH and CAC CfBrH. BOB Veteran and Leipzig Veteran Sieger.
Sunday: V1 vet.class. CAC VDH and CAC SSCD. BOB Veteran and German Veteran Winner.
Pastoral Dog Show, Wroclaw, PL, 12/7 2015,
judge Khalil El Mohtar:
Chica - Exc, 1V junior class - CAC-J, best junior in breed
Fighter - Exc, 1V champion class -... CAC - best adult male
Chica and Fighter - BIS winner - couple
Beauty - Exc, 2V veteran class
7/7-2015 - "9.Deutsche Sheltie Spezialausstellung" in Alsfeld
judge Marion ten Cate, NL
43 entries
Lovesome Surprise, 13 month 1V Junior class (1/5) - best junior - BOB - and best couple with Fighter - The judge said " Elegant and wonderful bitch"
Hvidebro Zobel - 1V veteran class (1/3) - best veteran -The judge said: " excellent type - good quality bitch"
Light My Fire Amoreno 2V champion class, Res. CAC, best couple with CHICA
DKK's International Show Vejen, 2/6-2015
Judge Gunilla Skallman, SE
46 shelties entered.
Light My Fire Amore. V1 championclass. BM2, Res.CACIB
Lovesome Surprise. V1 juniorclass, BB3...
Mainlands Amber Rose V2 Championclass CK
Hvidebro Zobel V2 veteranclass CK
DKK's International Show Vejen, 20/6-2015
Judge Sóley Halla Möller.
49 shelties entered.
Light My Fire Amore. V1 championclass. BM3
Lovesome Surprise. V1 juniorclass, BB4
Hvidebro Zobel V2 veteranclass CK
World Dog Show Milan - 14/6-2015
Judge Anna Albrigo, I
Dress Code Z Dablovy Studanky - VG juniorclass
Light My Fire Amoreno - EXC4 openclass
Pomking Dream Come True - EXC1 veteranclass - BOS Veteran - Veteran World Winner
Lovesome Surprise - EXC1 juniorclass - BOB Junior - Junior World Winner
Mainlands Amber Rose - EX championclass
Hvidebro Zobel - EXC2 veteranclass - Vice Veteran World Winner
Shetland Sheepdog Club of Italy, Clubshow Milan - 13/6-2015
Judge Alan Jones, I
Dress Code Z Dablovy Studanky - VG juniorclass
Light My Fire Amoreno - EXC3 openclass
Pomking Dream Come True - EXC2 veteranclass
Lovesome Surprise - EXC2 juniorclass
Mainlands Amber Rose - EX1 championclass
Hvidebro Zobel - VG1 veteranclass
International Show Neumûnster 30/5-2015
Judge Miroslav Zidar, SL
Dress Code z Dablovy studanky - V3 Juniorclass
Light My Fire Amoreno - V2 openclass
Lovesome Surprise - V3 juniorclass
Annabelle - V4 Open class
CAC show CfBrH, Wiesental - 17/5-2015
Judge Heidi Müller-Heinz DE, 30 entries
Light My Fire Amoreno, V1 openclass CAC
Lovesome Surprise - BOS-junior J-CAC and NEW GERMAN JUNIORCHAMPION.
Dress Code z Dablovy Studanky J-CAC and BOB-junior
Pomking Dream Come True VetCAC and BOB-veteran
Hvidebro Zobel VetCAC and BOS veteran
Annabelle - V2 open class - res.CAC
Fighter and Chica BIS Couple
Sheltie Club Show 9/5-2015 -
judge Joanna Adamowska, PL, 60 entries
Light My Fire Amoreno, BOB/best of breed - and NEW DANISH CHAMPION (with 4 CAC until today) - 2 years birthday today
Lovesome Surprise - BOB-junior and 2nd best bitch with club CAC-J and RES. CAC
Dress Code z Dablovy Studanky BOS-junior with club CAC-J
Pomking Dream Come True - BOS-veteran and 4th best male
Hvidebro Zobel - excl + CK, 3V CH-class
Annabelle - excl open class
CAC Clubshow - Club fur Britische Hutehunde, 1/5 2015, Nordhorn, DE, judge H.E. Pedersen, 38 entries
Light My Fire Amoreno - CAC BOB
Lovesome Unusual Heart - Best junior male CAC-J BOS-J
Pomking Dream Come True - CAC-vet BOB-vet
Hvidebro Zobel - CAC-vet BOS-vet...
Light My Fire Amoreno & Lovesome Surprise BIS-couple
Lovesome Surprise 2V junior class (2/9) -- res. CAC-J
Mainlands Amber Rose - 2V open clas - res. CAC
Dress Code Z Dablovy Studanky 4V junior class ( 4/10)
Second day at CAC/Cacib Show in Goes, NL
Judge D. Timmins, Ireland - 34 shelties entered.
Pomking Dream Come True.
V1 veteranclass, BOS veteran. And new Dutch Veteranchampion.
Dress Cody z Dablovy Studanky
V2 Juniorclass
Lovesome Surprise
V1 Juniorclass CAC-J
Light My Fire Amoreno
V1 Interm.class res.CAC resCACIB BestMale2

Mainland Amber Rose
V2 open class Bestbitch2 resCAC resCACIB
Hvidebro Zobel
V1 veteranclass BOB Veteran
First day at CAC/Cacib Show in Goes, NL Judge H. Stockmari, FI - 32 shelties entered. Pomking Dream Come True
V1 veteranclass, BestMale2, resCAC

Dress Cody z Dablovy Studanky
V1 Juniorclass, CAC-J – BOS junior
Lovesome Surprise
V2 Juniorclass – Best Bitch 2 – Res.CAC
Light My Fire Amoreno
V1 Interm.class
Mainland Amber Rose
V1 open class Bestbitch3 CACIB

Hvidebro Zobel
V3 veteranclass
90th International Dog Show Luxembourg, 57 entries,
judge Michael Leonard, Irl.
Lovesome Surprise V1 juniorclass CAJC and New Junior Champion of Luxembourg, CRUFTS qualified 2nd time
Mainland´s Amber Rose CAC, Res. CACIB, New Champion of Luxembourg
Light My Fire Amoreno, V1 interm.class CAC, res.CACIB
Hvidebro Zobel, V1 veteranclass, BOS veteran
International Show in Offenburg, 15/3-2015
58 shelties entered. - Judge Regina Blessing, DE.
Lovesome Surprice V1 in Juniorclass. CACJ. BOB Junior and BOB.
Hvidebro Zobel, V1 Veteranclass. BOB Veteran
The Shetland Sheepdog Club of Deutschlands Club Show in Offenburg. 14/3-2015
36 shelties entered. - Judge Michaela Rukopf, DE.
Lovesome Surprice V1 (of 8) in Juniorclass. CACJ. BOB Junior and BOB.
Light My Fire Amoreo, V1 Interm. Class CAC Best Male - BOS
Hvidebro Zobel, V1 Veteranclass. BOB Veteran and German Veteran Champion.
Dress Code z Dablovy Studanky. V1 (of 6) in Juniorclass. CACJ. BOS Junior
Danish Shetland Sheepdogs Clubshow, 7/3-2015
81 entered. Judge Marianne Baden.
Mainlands Amber Rose won a big open class, CAC - BOB and Danish Champion.
Light My Fire Amoreno, V1 Interm.class, Best Male 4.
Lovesome Surprice V4 juniorclass
Pomking Dream Come True V1 veteranclass. BOS veteran
Dress Code z Dablovy Studanky VG1 juniorclass males.
Fantastic day at CAC/CACIB/Benelux Winner Show (Martinidogshow) 28/2 2015, Groningen, NL, judge A. Gregore, BE, 47 entries
Light My Fire Amoreno: 1V Interm class, CAC (4th), CACIB (3rd), BOB, BENELUX WINNER NL`15, CRUFTS Qualified 2016, BIG 3
Lovesome Surprise: 1V Junior Class (1/9), CAJC, BOB-Junior, BENELUX Junior Winner NL`15, CRUFTS Qualified 2016, CAC, BOS, BENELUX Winner NL`15:)
Mainland´s Amber Rose: 1V Open Class (1/8), Res. CAC, CACIB
Pomking Dream Come True : 1V veteran class, BENELUX Veteran Winner NL´15, BOV - best veteran
Hvidebro Zobel: 1V veteran class, BENELUX Veteran Winner NL`15, BOS-veteran and new Deutch Veteran Champion
Dress Code z Dablovy studanky: 3V Junior Class (3/8)
Great day at the International Dog Show, Fredericia, DK, judge Zorica Salijevic, SE, 58 entries:
Lovesome Surprise,: very promising, 1V puppy class, BOB puppy Humørikonet smile
Lovesome Unusual Heart: very promising, 1V puppy class, BOS-best male in breed
Dress Code z Dablovy Studanky: exc, 2V junior. class
Light My Fire Amoreno: exc, 1.V interm. class, CK, 4th best male
Mainland´s Amber Rose: exc, 3V open class:)
Hvidebro Zobel:, exc. 1V veteran class, BOS veteran
Pomking Dream Come True: exc 1V veteran class, CK, BOV - best veteran
ALL OUR DOGS got EXCELLENT on a day with many VG and even G:)
Special Club Show Luxembourg, 1/2 2015, judge Gloria Wagner, 69 entries:
Hvidebro Zobel, Exc 1V vet. class, Veteran Champion of Luxembourg (2nd time) -... BOV - best veteran
Dress Code z Dablovy Studanky, Exc, 2V junior class
Light my Fire Amoreno, Exc, 4V interm. class
Int. Dog Show Mouscron, BE, judge Mrs. S. Roser, F, 27 entries:
Lovesome Suprise, breeder Lovesome Shelties, very promising, 1V puppy class, BOB puppy
Light My Fire Amoreno, Exc 1V interm class, R. CACIB
Hvidebro Zobel, Exc 1V veteran class, BOV
Dress Code z Dablovey Studanky, Exc 3V junior class

CACIB Show Kassel 7/12-2014
Pomking Dream Come True - V2 res.cac veteranklasse.
Light My Fire Amoreno Exc, 1V Interm class, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Lovesome Unusual Heart, 6 month, very promising, 1V puppy class, best male puppy
Lovesome Surprise, 6 month, Very promising, 1V puppy class - best female puppy – no BOB puppy competition
CAC/CACIB Dog Show Nijmegen NL 6/12-2014- judge Hans V. D. Berg - 42 entries :
CAC / CACIB/ BOB - Light My Fire Amoreno
BOB puppy - Lovesome Surprise - owner Lone Pedersen og Anna Larsen
Lovesome Unusual Heart - Machio -2v puppy class
Mainland's Amber Rose - 3v open class ...
Hvidebro Zobel - Beauty - 2v veteran class
CAC show Kassel 6/12-2014
Pomking Dream Come True BOB veteran and German veteranchampion
Collie/sheltie Clubshow in Czech Republik, judge Heidi Muller-Heinz, DE 23-11-2014
Hvidebro Zobel – V1 veteran class, BOV and BIS- veteran - Best veteran in show
Dress Code z Dablovy Studanky - V1 puppy class – BOB - Best puppy in breed and BIS-2 puppy
Lovesome Surprise - very promising 1V puppy class and Best female puppy
Light My Fire Amoreno EXC 1V interm class CAC (started adult CZ champion) ...
Mainlands Amber Rose - 2V open class and Res. CAC
Collie/sheltie Clubshow in Czech Republic, judge Rolf Blessing, DE 22-11-2014
Lovesome Surprise V1 puppy class , BOB - Best puppy in Breed - BIS 2
Dress Code z Dablovy Studanky – Best male puppy
Light My Fire Amoreno – V1 interm. class CAC – new CZ juniorchampion
Mainlands Amber Rose V3 Open class
Hvidebro Zobel – V2 veteranclass
Danish Shetland Sheepdog Clubshow, 15/11 2014, judge Loes Mouchart, NL, 62 entries (19 puppies + 43 adults)
Light MY Fire Amoreno, - Exc, CK - 1V Interm class - best male -BOB
Lovesome Surprise, - VP, 1V minor puppy class - BOS minor puppy
Lovesome Unusual Heart, VP - 2V minor puppy class
Dress Code z Dablovy Studanky, VP - 2V puppy class
Mainland´s Amber Rose, Exc, 2V open class, CK
Hvidebro Zobel, Exc, 2V champion class CK
Pomking Dream Come True, V1 veteranclass CK – BOS Veteran
Danish Winner Show, Herning, 2nd November 2014 - Judge Edy Dykstra-Blum, USA
Best Male - BOS Danish VeteranWinner 2014, Danish Winner 2014
Pomking Dream Come True
(Danish Winner for the 2nd year in a row, Danish Veteran Winner for the 3rd year in a row)
Rijswijk, NL - international CAC/CACIB dog show, judge Benny Blid von Schedvin, SE 1st NovemberLovesome Surprise - minor puppy class - very promising V1 - Best minor puppy in breed
Lovesome Unusual Heart /his very first dog show/ very promising V2
Light My Fire Amoreno - junior class - EXC V1 - CAJC - Best junior male ( no Best junior competition today)
Mainland's Amber Rose - open class - EXC V1 ...
Hvidebro Zobel - veteran class - EXC V1 (1/4) - Best veteran in Breed - among 6 Best veterans in BIS-veteran final
Rijswijk, NL – International dogshow 2/11-2014. Judge H.E. Pedersen, Denmark
Lovesome Unusual Heart very promising and Best minor puppy in breed
Lovesome Surprise - very promising and Best minor puppy Bitch
Light My Fire Amoreno - EXC V1 junior class - CAJC and Res. CAC and ...
New Dutch Junior Champion
Hvidebro Zobel - EXC v1 veteran class and Best veteran in Breed
Mainland's Amber Rose - EXC V3 open class
3 days of showing in Czech 23-25/10-2014 ended up with these results
Pomking Dream Come True
23/10 2014 - European Dog Show, Brno, CZ - Veteran class - EXC V1 - European Veteran Winner
24/10 2014 - National Dog Show - veteran class - EXC V1
25/10 2014 - Collie/Sheltie Club Show, Olomouck, CZ - Veteran class - EXC V1 - BOB Veteran - BIS Veteran
And Czech Veteran Champion
Dress Code z Dablovy Studanky, 6 month
National Show in Brno, CZ - very promising - V1 - Best pupp...y male ( no BIS finals this day)
Special collie/sheltie Club show in Olomouc, CZ - very promising - V1 - Best puppy in breed - Best puppy in show (BIS 1 puppy)
Judge at the Clubshow was Loes Mouchart and for BIS Dina Korna
Light My Fire Amoreno, 17 month
23/10 2014 - European Dog Show, Brno, CZ - junior class - EXC V2 - European vice junior winner
24/10 2014 - National Dog Show - junior class - EXC V2
25/10 2014 - Collie/Sheltie Club Show, Olomouck, CZ - junior class - EXC V1 - CAJC - Best junior male
Mainland's Amber Rose, 2 years
23/10 2014 - European Dog Show - EXC V3 open class
National Show in Brno, CZ - EXC V3 open class
Special Club Show in Olimouck, CZ - EXC V4
Hvidebro Zobel, 8 years
23/10 2014 - European Dog Show - veteran class - EXC V3
National Show in Brno - veteran class - EXC V1 - Best veteran in breed (BOV)
Special Club show in Olomouc,CZ - EXC V2
DSSK CC show 12 Oct 2014 - Judge Freddie Klindrup Pomking Dream Come True - BOB Veteran and Best Male 4
International Dog Show Hillerød, 21/9-2014 - Judge Tomas Rohlin, Denmark Pomking Dream Come True - 1.Vetclass male, BOS VET - BM5 KBHVV2014 (Copenhagen Veteranwinner 2014)
Dress Code z Dablovy Studanky: Very Promising 2nd babymale
Lovesome Surpice: Very Promising, 2nd babybitch
International Dog Show Rostock 13/9-2014, - judge Rita Kadike-Skadina, LV, Pomking Dream Come True -1. Pl. Vet. Class, BOB veteran, CAC vet. and finally Best of Breed - In main ring Sofus was BIS5 veteran
Hvidebro Zobel - 1. pl. vet. Class, BOS veteran - CAC vet.
Light My Fire Amoreno, V1 interm. class - CAC - R. CACIB
CACIB Benelux Winner Show Rotterdam 7/9-14 , Judge J, Hindse, DKLight My Fire Amoreno: EXC 1V Juniorclass BENELUX JUNIOR WINNER NL 2014 BOS junior Res. CAC
Mainland's Amber Rose : EXC 1v open class Res. CAC CACIB 3rd CACIB in 3 weeks
Dress Code z Dablovy Studanky: very promising 1 v minor puppy class BOB baby
Hvidebro Zobel - EXC 2v veteran class
DSSK CC-Show, Sorø, 6/9-2014 - Judge B.W. Hull, England Pomking Dream Come True - Sofus - V1 - BOS Vetrean
Hvidebro Zobel - V1 champion, ClubvetCC
Light My Fire Amoreno - Fighter - V1 JuniorCAC, New Juniorclubchampion BOS Junior
Mainland's Amber Rose - V1 openclass CAC Best Bitch BOS
Dress Code z Dablovy Studanky: Promising
Lovesome Surpice: Very Promising, 2nd babybitch
Luxembourg International CACIB Dog Show 31/8-2014 - Judge Guy Kips, Lux Mainland's Amber Rose : EXC - 1V open class (1/11), CACL - CACIB - BOS - Benelux Winner - CRUFTS Qualification 2015
Hvidebro Zobel EXC, 1V veteran class, CACL-veteran, BOB veteran - Benelux Veteran Winner and New Veteran CHAMPION OF LUXEMBOURG
Dress Code z Dablovy Studanky: very promising, 1V minor puppy class, Best minor puppy (baby)
Light My Fire Amoreno: EXC, 3V junior class
International Show, Leipzig 24/8-2014 - Judge Peter Muzslai, Hungary Pomking Dream Come True- V1 VetCAC, Leipzig Veteran Winner and BOS Veteran.
Hvidebro Zobel -V1 VetCAC, Leipzig veteran winner and BOB Veteran.
Light My Fire Amoreno - V1 JuniorCac- BOB Junior and Leipzig Junior Winner.
Annabelle - V2 resCAC resCACIB
Mainland's Amber Rose - V1 CAC CACIB Best Adult Bitch, Leipzig Winner and BOB.
German Winner Show, Leipzig 23/8-2014 - Judge Ildiko Muzslai, Hungary Pomking Dream Come True- V2 ResVetCAC, VDH & Club
Hvidebro Zobel - V2 ResVetCAC VDH & Club
Light My Fire Amoreno- V ResJuniorCAC VDH & Club
Annabelle - V3
Mainland's Amber Rose - V2 ResCAC. VDH & Club
Word Dog Show, Helsinki 2014:
Light My Fire Amoreno: Exc., 3rd winner junior class
The Cattledogs and Sheepdogs National Show Wroclaw, Poland 6/7-2014
Judge: Joanna Adamowska, PL
Light My Fire Amoreno was BOB & BIS junior and BOB & BIS2.
Mainland´s Amber Rose: Exc, 1V Interm. class
Hvidebro Zobel: Exc, 3V champion class
International Dog Show, Genk, BE - 28/6-2014 - Judge Gabriela Ridarcikova Light My Fire Amoreno - Exc - 1V junior class, BOS junior and new Junior Champion of Belgium
Mainland's Amber Rose - exc - 1V interm class - Res. CAC - Res. CACIB
Annabelle - Exc - 1V open class
Pomking Dream Come True Exc - 1V vet class - BOB veteran
Int. Dog Show Vejen - Judge: Dan Ericsson. SEMainland's Amber Rose Best Bitch 4
Light My Fire Amoreno Best tMale 1 - BOS
Pomking Dream Come True Best Male 2 - BOB Veteran
Only 2 males got CC quality on this show
Int. Dog Show Hedensted 14/6-2014
Light My Fire Amoreno - EXC 1V Jun class, Bést Male 2 - CAC
Pomking Dream Come True Best Male 1 - BOS and BOB Vetera
Int. Dog Show, Lommel, BE, 8/6-2014 - Jjudge Freddy Declerq
Light My Fire Amoreno - EXC 1V Jun class, BOB Junior, JCAC, BOB
Mainland's Amber Rose - EXC, 1V Interm class, BOS CAC
Annabelle - EXC, 1V Open class, Res. CAC
Int. CACIB Dog Show Neumünster, D, 1/6 2014, judge Heidi Müller-Heinz:
Light My Fire Amoreno: Exc. 1V Junior class, BOB-J, CAC-J, CAC-J (VDH) - juniorchampion of Germany
Int. CACIB Dog Show, Leszno, PL, 31. maj, judge G. Jipping, NL:
Light My Fire Amoreno: Exc, 1V junior class, BOS-J, CAC-J, juniorchampion of PL
Mainland`s Amber Rose: Exc, 2V interm.class, RES.CACIB
Hvidebro Zobel: Exc., 1V CH class - CAC
Int. CAC Dog Show, Wieze, BE, judge M. Deschuymere, BE:
Light My Fire Amoreno: EXC 1V jun class, BOB junior, CAJC, and the titel of Hopprins 2014
Dortmund, VDH-Europasieger-Ausstellung, 10/5-2014 judge Freddy deClerq, B
Light My Fire Amoreno: 1V junior class, BOB junior, CAJC VDH, CAJC Club, VDH-Europa-Jugendsieger 2014 and CRUFTS 2015 Qualifikation
Annabelle: 2V open class VDH CAC
Mainlands Amber Rose: 3V interm. class
Hvidebro Zobel: 3V champion class.
International Dog Show in Dortmund, 9/5 2014, judge Peter Farrell, IRL:
Light My Fire Amoreno: EXC 1VJK CAJC VDH CAJC CLUB BOB Junior (Best junior) - Spring Junior Winner Dortmund 2014 :)
Mainland's Amber Rose: EXC 2VIK Res. CAC VDH Res. CAC CLUB
CACIB show Prag 3/5-2014
Light My Fire Amoreno V2
Mainland's Amber Rose : Res.CACIB
Annabelle : Exc - EXC1V Open - CAC CACIB BOS
Hvidebro Zobel : EXC1 - Champion - CAC
Pomking Dream Come True EXC1 - championclass - CZ champion
National Polen Inoworclav 13/4 2014:
Light My Fire Amoreno: Exc1 junior cac - BOB junior - BOB - BOG3
Mainland's Amber Rose : Exc1 CAC BOS
Annabelle : Exc - EXC1V Open - CAC
Hvidebro Zobel : EXC1 - CHampion - CAC
Pomking Dream Come True EXC1 - championclass - best adult male
National Grudziadz, Poland 12/4-2014
Light My Fire Amoreno: Exc1 - junior CAC - BOB junior
Mainland's Amber Rose : Exc2 - Intermedium
Annabelle : Exc2 Open
Hvidebro Zobel : EXC1 Champion - BOS
Pomking Dream Come True EXC 1 championclass. BOB - BOG 2 - POLISH CHAMPION
INT Luxembourg 30/3-2014
Pomking Dream Come True EXC1 - BOB Veteran and Veteran Champion of Luxembourg
Danish Shetland Sheepdog Speciality Show Nr. Aaby - Judge: Anette Bystrup, DK
Annabelle EXC2 open class (5/6 Best Bitch)
Hvidebro Zobel EXC3 Champclass
Light My Fire Amoreno- EX1 BOB Junior - Best Male 4
Pomking Dream Come True EXC1 - BOB Veteran
Internatonal Dog Show Fredericia - 9/2-2014 - Judge: J. De Gids
Annabelle EXC3 open
Hvidebro Zobel EXC2 CH CK - Best Bitch 4
Light My Fire Amoreno EX1 Junior CK - Best Male 4 Res.CAC
Pomking Dream Come True EXC CK BOS Veteran