CAC Clubshow, Danish Shetland Sheepdog Club, Kolding, 1/6-2024, 44 entries, judge: breedspecialist Barbara Thornley, UK:
New Club Champion - Exc2 CH-class, CK, CAC-club,: ELLA DKCH CHCH CIB DEVDHCH SLOCH LUCH PLC Annazobelle’s Magnificent Marabelle
Exc2 Interm. class (2/9), CK, 4th BB: DONNA BEJCH Annazobelle’s One In A Million
Exc2 Vet. class
FIGHTER Multi Champion, CIB, CIB-V, WVW21 Light My Fire Amoreno

CAC Show 26/5-2024, Ustka, PL, judge Waldemar Federak, PL:
BOV BIS-Couple New Polish Veteran Champion New Polish Champion
Exc1 Vet. class, Veteran Winner, Best Veteran, New Polish Veteran Champion and BIS-couple with Ella (out of 7):
FIGHTER Multi Champion, CIB, CIB-V, WVW21 Light My FIre Amoreno (
Exc1 Interm. class, CAC, Best Bitch, BOB:
DONNA BEJCH Annazobelle’s One In A Million
Exc1 CH-class, CAC, new Polish Champion, BIS-couple with Fighter:
ELLA DKCH CHCH CIB DEVDHCH SLOCH LUCH Annazobelle’s Magnificent Marabelle
Nordic CAC show, 25/5-2024, Brørup, DK, judge Maija Lehtonen, FI:
Exc1 Vet. class:
FIGHTER Multi Champion, CIB, CIB-V, WVW21 Light My FIre Amoreno
Exc2, Interm. class:
DONNA BEJCH Annazobelle’s One In A Million
Exc1 CH-class, CK, 4th BB:
CAC Hamburg-CfBrH Clubshow, May 10th 2024, 42 entries, judge Lenka Klimova, CZ:
Exc1 Vet. class, CAC-V VDH and Club:
FIGHTER Multi Champion, CIB, CIB-V, WVW21 Light My FIre Amoreno
Exc1 Open class, CAC VDH and Club: DONNA BEJCH Annazobelle’s One In Million
Exc3 CH-class: ELLA DKCH CHCH CIB DEVDHCH SLOCH LUCH Annazobelle’s Magnificent Marabelle
Father and daughter ❤ ❤
BIS couple 13/4-24 at CfBrH Clubshow in Magdeburg and BIS3 couple 20/4-24 at CAC Show in Moszna.
FIGHTER-Multich. Light My Fire Amoreno and ELLA-Multich. Annazobelle's Magnificent Marabelle.
CAC and CACIB show in Moszna, PL.⭐️20/4: judge Khalil el Mohtar, PL and 21/4: judge Marion ten Cate, NL:Saturday:
Res. BIS-veteran - Best Veteran in breed - BOS and BIS3 couple with his daughter ELLA
Light My FIre Amoreno (Quashee Operation Chaos x Guantanamera Amoreno)

Exc2 CH-class, BIS3 Couple with Fighter
Annazobelle’s Magnificent Marabelle
Exc2 Open class:
Annazobelle’s One In A Million
Exc1 Open class, CAC:
Annazobelle’s One In A Million
Exc2 Vet class:
Light My FIre Amoreno
Exc4 CH-class :
Annazobelle’s Magnificent Marabelle
CAC Clubshow (CfBrH), Magdeburg, 13/4 2024, honourable judge Mrs. Judit Korózs-Papp, HU:
BOB and BEST VETERANand BIS Couple with Ella:
Light My FIre Amoreno
Exc1 CH-class, CAC, CAC-club, BIS Couple with Fighter
Annazobelle’s Magnificent Marabelle
Exc1 Open class (1/13), CAC, CAC-club
Annazobelle’s One In A Million
CACIB Luxembourg, 6/4 judge Marko Lepasaar, EE
and 7/4 judge Norman Deschuymere, BE:
New Veteran Champion of Luxembourg,
Exc1, CACIB-V, and Best Veteran both days:
Lovesome Surprise
New Champion of Luxemburg,
Exc1 CH-class, CACL both days
Annazobelle’s Magnificent Marabelle
7/4: Exc2 Interm. class, Res. CACL, Res. CACIB
6/4: Exc4 Interm. class
Annazobelle’s One In A Million
CAC Clubshow, Danish Shetland Sheepdog Club, 16/3-2024, judge Keith Biswell, GB, 53 entries:
BEST VETERAN - New Danish Veteran Champion and No. 1 Veteran Sheltie Of The Year 2023:
⭐️CHICA⭐️Lovesome Surprise⭐️
Exc2 Vet. Class: and No. 2 Veteran Sheltie Of The Year 2023:
⭐️FIGHTER⭐️Light My Fire Amoreno.
Exc3, CK and No.4 Sheltie Of The Year 2023:
⭐️ELLA⭐️Annazobelle’s Magnificent Marabelle⭐️
IDS, Fredericia, DK, 49 entries,
Judge Maria Amelia Taborda, Portugal:
Best Male, BOS and Best Veteran:
FIGHTER-Multi Champion WVW21 CIB-V Light My Fire Amoreno.