CAC/CACIB Geneve, 15-17/11-2019
GENEVE I - judge R. Fagerstrom, FI - Exc1 CH class, CAC, CACIB, BB, BOS
GENEVE II - judge A. G. Paolucci, AR -
Exc1 CH class, CAC, CACIB, BB, BOS and Alpensieger
Geneve III – judge Petru Muntean RO
Exc1 CH class, CAC, BB, BOS, CACIB, Crufts Qualified 2020– and CHCh
CAC Geneve - judge E. Hendel, IL -
VG1 CH class
CAC/CACIB Geneve 15-17/11-2019
JWW18 Annazobelle’s Image of Love
GENEVE I - judge R. Fagerstrom, FI -
Exc1 open class, CAC, Res. CACIB (=CACIB)
GENEVE II - judge A. G. Paolucci, AR -
Exc1 open class, CAC, Res. CACIB (=CACIB) and CHCh and DKCh
Geneve III – judge Petru Muntean RO
Exc3 open class
CAC GENEVE - judge E. Hendel, IL -
Exc1 open class, CAC, BB, BOS
CAC/CACIB Geneve 15-17/11-2019
GENEVE I - judge R. Fagerstrom, FI -
Exc1 CH class, CAC, CACIB, BD, BOB and shortlisted to 6 in Group 1
GENEVE II - judge A.G. Paolucci, AR -
Exc2 CH class, Res. CAC, Res. CACIB
Geneve III – judge Petru Muntean RO
Exc2 CH class, Res. CAC, Res. CACIB
CAC Geneve - judge E. Hendel, IL -
Exc1 CH class, CAC, BD, BOB
We are so proud of this amazing boy
🏆🏆🏆🏆International Dogshow, 12/10-2019. České Budějovice, Czech Republic. Judge Brigita Kremser, SLO. 🏆🏆🏆🏆
❤️Multichampion Light My Fire Amoreno. ❤️
CAC CR, CAC CMKU, CACIB. Best male, BOB. BOG4 and new Czech Champion

Golden Dog Trophy, Liege, Belgium
27/7 - judge V. Baranauskas, LT * 28/7 - judge B. Vandaele, B
FIGHTER - Light My Fire Amoreno :) Exc1 CH-class, R.CAC, R.CACIB - Golden Challenger Exc1 CH-class, R.CAC, R.CACIB - Golden Challenger
CHICA - Lovesome Surprise :) Exc1 CH-class, R.CAC, R.CACIB - Golden Challenger Exc1 CH-class
JOYA - Annazobelle´s Image of Love :) Exc1 Open class VG2 Open class
FIGHTER and CHICA - BIS couple - shortlisted to 6
Mlada Boleslav, CZ, 13/7-2019.
Judge Aleksandra Lubaszka, PL
Lovesome Surprise. V1 championclass CAC
Light My Fire Amoreno, V2 championclass, res.CAC
Annazobelle´s Image of Love: V2 open class, R.CAC

Int. Dogshow Hannover, 6/7 2019, judge M. Matthes:
Light My Fire Amoreno: V1 CH-class, CAC, CAC-club, R.CACIB :) :) :)
Lovesome Surprise: V1 CH-class, CAC, CAC-club :)
Annazobelle´s Image of Love: V2 open class, R.CAC, R.CAC-club

21/6-2019 - NORDIC Show in Vejen, DK, judge Gunilla Skallman, S:
37 entries, only 4 males and 3 females with CK!!!
Light My Fire Amoreno
Exc2 CH-class, CK, 3rd best male- only danish male with CK
Our wonderful boy is always on Top
Annazobelles Image of Lov. Exc4 open class
Club-Winner Show, 1.SSCD, Lauf an der Pegnitz, 56 entries, judge Brigita Kremser (SLO):
Light My Fire Amoreno
Exc 1, CH- Class, CAC, Club-CAC, Best male, Club Winner 2019 and BOB
Lovesome Surprise
Exc 2, CH- Class, R. CAC, R. Club-CAC
Annazobelle’s Image of Love
Exc 3 open Class
Exc2 Vet Class, R. Vet CAC, R. Vet Club-CAC
We are so proud of our dogs 😊❤️
Thank you to the judge and to 1.SSCD for an excellent show and lovely prizes

CACIB Neumünster, 33 entries, judge Charlotte Høier, DK:
FIGHTER/Light My Fire Amoreno: V1 CH-class, CAC, CAC-club, CACIB, best male and BOS :)
JOYA/Annazobelle´s Image of Love: V2 Interm.-class, R.CAC, R.CAC-club :)
HAPPY/Annazobelle´s Happy Ending: V open class :)

Int.Dog Show Ceske Budejovice, CZ, 36 entries, judge Olga Dolejsova:
FIGHTER/Light My Fire Amoreno - EXC2 CH-class, R.CAC, R.CACIB :)
CHICA/Lovesome Surprise - EXC2 CH-class, R. CAC
JOYA/Annazobelle´s Image of Love, EXC1 Interm. class, CAC
HAPPY/Annazobelle´s Happy Ending, EXC2 Open class, R.CAC
IDS Zwolle, 6/4-19
Judge Marion ten Cate.
Annazobelles Image of Love
Exc1 intermediateclass, res.CACIB
Lovesome Surprise...
Exc2 championclass
CACIB show Groningen, NL.
Judge: John Bond, IE
Light My Fire Amoreno V2 championclass. ResCACIB
Annazobelle's Image of Love V2, intermedier class
Lovesome Surprise - V1, championclass
CAC show CfBrH 16/2-2019
Judge: Heidi Müller-Heinz, DE
Light My Fire Amoreno V3 championclass
Annazobelle's Image of Love V2 res.CAC intermedier class
Lovesome Surprise - V2 res.CAC championclass
CAC Clushow DSSK, Vandel, DK, judge Michael J. Ewing:
Lovesome Surprise, Exc. 2 CH-class, Club CAC,3rd Best Bitch
Light My Fire Amoreno, Exc.1 CH-class
Warszawa European Dog Show 12/10-2018
Judge: Michael Leonard, IE
Light My Fire Amoreno V4
Annazobelle's Image of Love V
Lovesome Surprise - V
Warszawa - 80th Anniversary Jubilee Show 11/10-2018
Judge: Anna Kochan, PL
Light My Fire Amoreno V3
Annazobelle's Image of Love V1 CAC-J - Junior Winner - Best Junior
Lovesome Surprise - V2
NRA Rostock 7/10
Judge: Uwe Nölke
JWW18 Annazobelle's Image of Love V1 CAC-J CAC(VDH)-J BJ
Lovesome Surprise V1 CAC CAC(VDH) BOS
IRA Rostock 6/10
Judge: Kristina Nölke
Light My Fire Amoreno V1 CAC CAC(VDH) CACIB BOB
Annazobelle's Image of Love - V1 CAC-J CAC(VDH)-J BJ
Annazobelle's Happy Ending - V2 CAC-R CAC(VDH)-R
Lovesome Surprise - V1 CAC CAC(VDH) CACIB BOS
NRA - Bremen 1/9
Judge Peter George Bailey
Light My Fire Amoreno – V3
Annazobelle's Image of Love – V3 junior
Annazobelle's Happy Ending – V2 – mellem
Lovesome Surprise – V1
Int. Dog Show Bornholm, 19/8-2018. Judge Hans Van Den Berg, NL
Light My Fire Amoreno: Exc 1 CH-Class, CK, 2nd Best male
Lovesome Surprise Exc 2 CH-Class, CK, 3rd Best Female
Annazobelle’s Happy Ending: Exc 1 Interm Class, CK
Annazobelle’s Image of Love, VG2
International Dog Show, Bornholm, 18/8-2018, Judge Karl-Erik Johansen SE :
JWW18 Annazobelle’s Image of Love - Exc 1 junior Class, CK, JCAC, Best Female, BOB
Light My Fire Amoreno - Exc1 CH-Class, CK, 2nd best male, R. Cacib
Annazobelle’s Happy Ending - Exc 2 Interm Class
Lovesome Surprise - VG2 CH Class (those stupid ears)

10/8-2018 - WDS, Amsterdam . Judge Loes Mouchart-Kleingeld, NL
Annazobelle’s Image of Love – EXC1 Juniorclass (of 11) – and Junior World Winner 2018

5/8 CAC Clubshow CfBrH, Sottrum, judge Frau Heidi Müller-Heinz
Lovesome Surprise – EXC1 championclass, CAC – CAC-Club - Best Bitch – BOB
Light My Fire Amoreno – EXC1 championclass –CAC – CAC-Club Best Male – BOS
Annazobelle’s Happy Ending – EXC1 intermediate class – CAC – CAC Club
Annazobelle’s Image of Love – EXC1 Juniorclass – JCAC –J CAC-Club
4/8.2018 - Nordic all-breed CAC-show in Billund, DK, judge Tomas Rohlin :)
Lovesome Surprise
Exc.1 CH-class, CK, best female, NORD-CAC and BOB :)
Sheltie speciality show in Gummersbach 24/6-2018 SSCD, judge Kristina Nölke,D, 31 entries:
ELLIOT - Annazobelle´s Handsome Hero, owner Camilla Lauritsen and Daniel Galbraith: V1 Junior Class, CAC-J, Club CAC-J :)
CHICA - Lovesome Surprise, V1 CH Class, CAC, Club CAC :)
HAPPY - Annazobelle´s Happy Ending, V2 Interm. Class, R.CAC, R.Club-CAC
GRA Wirges II, 10/6-2018 judge Joyce Manton, GB:
Light My Fire Amoreno, V2 CH-Class, RCAC, RCAC Club
Annazobelle’s Happy Ending (Fighter x Annabelle): V1 Interm. Class, CAC, CAC Club
Lovesome Surprise, owner Lone Pedersen and Anna Larsen, V2 CH-Class, RCAC, RCAC Club
Annazobelle’s Image of Love, owner Lone Pedersen and Anna Larsen, V3 Jun Class
CHICA and FIGHTER Bedst Couple
Thanks Victoria Drechsel and Uwe for the pictures

GRA Wirges I, 9/6-2018 judge Iris Reibert, D:
Lovesome Surprise V1 CH-Class, CAC, CAC-Club, best bitch, BOS
Light My Fire Amoreno - V3 CHAMPION Class
Annazobelle’s Image of Love, owner Lone Pedersen and Anna Larsen, V4 JUNIOR Class
Annazobelle”s Happy Ending, V3 INTERM. Class
Chica and Fighter Best Couple
Loxstedt 26 & 27/5-2018 GRA-dogshow, 1.SSCD,
judge saturday Mette Tufte, NO, sunday Kristina Nölke, D
Lovesome Surprise CH-class, V1, CAC, CAC-club both days
Annazobelle’s Image of Love - JUN-class, Sat: V1 (1/9), CAC-J, CAC-J club, Best Junior, Sun: V3
Annazobelle’s Happy Ending - INT-class: Sat: SG2, Sun: V1, CAC, CAC-club
Light My Fire Amoreno - CH-class, Sat: V3, Sun: V2, R.CAC, R.CAC-club
3/3-2018 Nr.Aaby, Judge Freddie Klindrup: Light My Fire Amoreno Exc1 BM4
Annazobelles Happy Ending VG
Lovesome Surprise Exc2 Best Female 5
17/2-2018 Buchholz, Judge Susanne Langhorst-de Haan: Light My Fire Amoreno V1, CAC, CAC-club
Annazobelles Image of Love VV1, Best Puppy
Annazobelles Happy Ending SG
Lovesome Surprise V1, CAC, CAC-club, Best Female, BOS

11/2-2018 Fredericia, Judge D. Rutten:
Light My Fire Amoreno Exc2, BM3
Annazobelles Image of Love Promising2
Annazobelles Happy Ending VG
Lovesome Surprise VG1
Photo Happy and Joya (Photograph Paul Van Ulsen)
21/1-2018 Verl-Kaunitz, Judge Hedwig Mense: Light My Fire Amoreno V4
Annazobelles Image of Love VV1, Best Puppy
Annazobelles Happy Ending SG
Lovesome Surprise V1, CAC, CAC-club