I work as, spiritual medium. This means that I seek communication with the spirit world, primarily in the form of evidential communication. Beside this, I also work as a psychic as well as communication for guides and helpers. These always come to support and encourage my clients.
For me, the spirit world is an intelligent world, perhaps more than we can say about ourselves here in our physical dimension. A world which I have great respect for. My collaboration with the spiritworld is influenced by my beliefs,
my ethics and personal agreements.
The way I work in my personal sittings and on the platform is inspired by the "English model" ( inthe Spiritualist Churches in United Kingdom), namely with what is called the "evidential mediumship". This is a method where the medium gives as much "proof" as possible about a possible unknown deceased.
I cannot guarantee the exact "contact" that you wish to hear from actually attempt to communicate, but it is my experience that in 95% of the cases it actually happends.
I can not guarantee you anything but promise to do my utmost.
Personal beliefs
- I believe that the real world is in the spiritual realms and that we are always connected to the spiritworld and that we return "home" again when our physical incarnation is over. When and how this transition occurs, I believe that we ourselves has "chosen" before we incarnated.
- I believe in the free will and that we for the same reason cannot oblige a deceased person to communicate. The deceased I communicate for come of their own free will. It is not always exactly the deceased which the client will hear from that crop up.
- I believe in reincarnation as a possibility and a choice which the individual soul can take, but not as a necessity. I believe that we are here on earth to "experience", rather than to "learn". I also believe that "time" does not exist in the spiritual dimension, as we understand it here on earth in the physical.
- My experience is that the deceased doesent become "angels" when they cross over but It is also my experience that the earthly feelings like, anger, jealousy, pain etc. somehow vanishes from them.
- I've never seen an "evil spirit", as I have never met an "evil man". I do not believe in ghosts but believes in, "like attracts like". One can perceive less pleasant things from the spirits, just as one can, from the living. If you are depressed or have a lot of anxiety, you will experience the "reality" in a different way than if you have tranquility and peace within. Many are influenced by scary movies about ghosts and in the general perception throughout history is often said that the spirits "haunts" us. These phenomena can be attributed to many things, but I believe that we are inside the spiritworld and because of this we cannot be certain that it is the spirit world who interfere in our world. It can be equally plausible that it is WE who are interfering in their dimension. It is perhaps a mixture.
- I believe that the spiritworld consists of many worlds that exist parallel to our (3 dimensional) and that in one of them, the ethereal world (4 dimensional), you live in many ways, just as we do here in the physical dimension.
- It is my claim and the very grounds for my cooperation with the spirit world that I always communicate messages of love and with healing and encouragement in mind.
There are things that the spirit world do not engage with.
Prophecies and predictions, are issues which I do not do in my work as a medium. It is my belief that the spirit world neither must nor find it wise to take our choices for us in our physical life. However sometimes I do get encouragement on subjects already in the making.
The spirit world does not come with "warnings", just as they do not speak in a commanding manner. Furthermore I do not use their help to find lost objects or animals. This I do on my own with the help of my psychic senses.
I love my work as a medium and my collaboration with the spiritworld. I have "lost" many whom I've known in life. I have been through grief and darkness, due to losses and immediate defeat. Today there are more of my (deceased) familymembers who often helps me in my work with my clients, on the platform, and with the training of my students.
To be allowed to be the "voice" of the voiceless fills me with great respect, humility and gratitude. Being able to bridge the gap between the 2 worlds that are so intimately connected, and yet so separated, gives me a great strength that I can pass on as a torch of faith.
The fact that I occasionally get to bring peace to the bereaved and grieving, as well as opening a door that gives them a chance to get a glimpse of the "other side" in this different form of existence, is the driving force that makes me so passionate about my work as a medium. I will never stop passing on this message.