Syllabus for the mediumship certification programme in DK
Active Mental Mediumship:
- Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairolfactrience, clairgustance, knowing, etc.
- Energy Learning - including energy solids
- Chaka and Aura - Protection, affirmations, and rituals
- Deceased Contact - Linking
The Evidential Mediumship:
- Dissemination and personal responsibility
- Intention and purpose and pitfalls
- The Personal Symbol Doctrine
- Energy Management
- Mental discipline and authority
- Inspired speech - Communications
- Spiritual helpers - Channeling
- telepathic communication
- Work on the platform with the audience.
Passive Mental Mediumship:
- Spiritual Healing (Altered States)
- Physical mediumship - what is this?
- Trance - div. forms
Working tools:
- Spiritual assestment and advice
- Personal Sitting, clairvoyance and healing
- Reading in stone, aura colors, card numbers etc.
- Remote viewing - find objects and people from a distance
- Meditation and visualization - "Sitting with spirit."
- EVP and other paranormal tools.
- Public talk (lecture) - Telepathy - Intuitive painting
- Dream Journeys - including Shamanic methods
- Reversal - Crisis management - Hypnosis
Theory, Philosophy and Background:
- Consciousness Doctrine - Buddhism
- The spiritual world building - Theosophy
- Personal Development and its importance in the work
- Knowledge of color and archetypes - soul travel and soul learn
- Parallel dimensions - Disease and Health
- Creation Theories - Time Learning - linear - nonlinear
- The importance of free will - Karma Doctrine and reincarnation
- The spiritual masters - "Ghosts" and disinkarnerede
- Spiritualism and its history and the 7 principles
- Legislation in the country - Ethics - Associations of mediums, healers and psychics.