English / Our rabbits

Our rabbits

Ever since we first started breeding rabbits in august 2011, we have focused on the smaller breeds, mainly Netherland Dwarf and Mini Lops.
Many variants and colours seemed interesting back then, some we tried to breed, but only these variants have been bred with long term goals in mind:
Smoke pearl Bright
Netherland Dwarf, Smoke Pearl
- Bred in both the dark and bright variant

Netherland Dwarf is a small breed. The adults weigh approximately 1 kg and have the size of a small football, roughly. They have short ears, a round head and a compact body structure.
The colour of the smoke pearl markings is merely the main colour, which has been darkened. This is visible at the ears, muzzle, feet and back.
smoke pearl dark
Mini/Holland Lops, Self Blue

Mini/Holland Lops are one of the 'bigger' small rabbit races, as the adults tends to weigh 1.8 kg, more or less. Their size is comparable to an american football.
They have the characteristic long, wide ears hanging downwards, a flat wide head and a dense body structure.
The term 'self' means the colouring of the rabbit is consistent all over the fur coat.
self blue
Mini/Holland Lops, Sooty Fawn

The colouring of sooty fawn is basically a reddish hazel as the main colour. The markings of sooty is recognized by a darkened band of the main colour seen along the sides of the body, adjoining at the hindquarters. Muzzle, ears and feet has the same darkened colour as the band.
sooty tort
Mini/Holland Lops, Blue Tort

The colouring of blue tort is basically a pale brown as the main colour. The markings of blue tort is recognized by a bluish band of the main colour seen along the sides of the body, adjoining at the hindquarters. Muzzle, ears and feet has the same bluish colour as the band.
Michael Christiansen & Rebecca Nygaard | Oppelstrupvej 2, 9260 Gistrup  | Tlf.: 20987068 60686433