Bio / Kunstterapi / Maleterapi

Kunstterapi / Maleterapi

Med en indre energi, uro, længsel finder jeg vej til det hvide lærred. Jeg arbejder med akryl og olie maling og alle farver. Jeg er autodidakt og udfordrer gerne mig selv til at overskride nye grænser med min kunst.

Efter en del “ar på sjælen” er jeg faktisk, uden at være klar over det, gået i “art therapy”…. det er en form for terapi, maleterapi. Det er kunst og det virker sgu, smiler….

Jeg vil med min hjemmeside gerne slå et ekstra slag for denne form for terapi, som virkelig har hjulpet mig og min familie. Hvis du søger på internettet efter kunstterapi og maleterapi vil du også finde professionelle terapeuter der benytter sig af denne terapiform.

My-name, Bettina !

Art therapy is a form of expressive therapy that uses art materials, such as paints, chalk and markers. Art therapy combines traditional psychotherapeutic theories and techniques with an understanding of the psychological aspects of the creative process, especially the affective properties of the different art materials.

As a mental health profession, art therapy is employed in many clinical settings with diverse populations. Art therapy can be found in non-clinical settings as well, such as in art studios and in workshops that focus on creativity development. Art therapists work with children, adolescents, and adults and provide services to individuals, couples, families, groups, and communities.

According to the American Art Therapy Association, art therapy is based on the belief that the creative process of art is both healing and life-enhancing. Art therapists use the creative process and the issues that come up during art therapy to help their clients increase insight and judgment, cope better with stress, work through traumatic experiences, increase cognitive abilities, have better relationships with family and friends, and to just be able to enjoy the life-affirming pleasures of the creative experience. The term art therapist is reserved for those that are professionals trained in both art and therapy and hold a master’s degree in art therapy or a related field. offered in BS and BA degrees.
My-name Bettina  |