For more detailed publication list see my university website
Kirsten Mogensen 2023
Public diplomacy in Encyclopedia of Stakeholder Management, edited by Jacob Dahl Rendtorff and Maria Bonnafous-Boucher. Elgar. ISBN: 9781800374232.
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Kirsten Mogensen 2022
usiness Diplomacy and Justification: New Post-Pandemic "Rules of the Game", International Journal of Diplomacy and Economics, vol. 8, no.1, pp. 21-40. DOI: 10.1504/IJDIPE.2021.10042697. Buy a copy or
Preorder article.
Kirsten Mogensen 2021:
Kirsten Mogensen 2020:
Dialogue and Business Legitimacy. In: Rendtorff J. (eds) Handbook of Business Legitimacy, pp . 555-570. Springer.
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Book review: Cyrus Rohani & Behrooz Sabet (eds.), Winds of Change: The
Challenge of Modernity in the Middle East and North Africa. Published in Nordicum-Mediterraneum, vol 15, no. 1. DOI: 10.33112/nm.15.1.15
Read it.
Kirsten Mogensen 2019:
Interdisciplinary perspectives on: the idea of corporate public diplomacy and how it differs from state public diplomacy, 219 pages, Roskilde University, ISSN no 0909-9174. PhD dissertation in International Studies. Request a pdf copy or borrow it from Roskilde University Library. ID 2453322393, DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.11607.62887.
Kirsten Mogensen 2018:
Mogensen, K, Skovbo, S, Kok Hansen, I, Elklit, J, & Seeberg, M. B. Feltarbejde i demokratiets tjeneste: Reflektioner af og for danske internationale valgobservatører, (
Book 162 pp).
Kirsten Mogensen (2017)
From public relations to corporate public diplomacy. Public Relations Review. Vol. 43, issue 3, September 2017, pages 605-614. Doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2017.03.011. Watch audioslides. Read pre-published manuscript.
Book Review: Transnational Audiences: Media Reception on a Global Scale by AdrianAthique. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Spring 2017, vol. 94(1), pp. 393-394.
Kirsten Mogensen (2016)
Making Sense of War and Peace: From extreme distrust to institutional trust in Aceh, Indonesia. In Søren Jagd and Lars Fuglsang (eds.):
Trust, Organizations and Social Interaction: Studying Trust as Process within and between Organizations, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK, pp. 107-124. Read
pre-published manuscript.
Kirsten Mogensen (2015)
International trust and public diplomacy. International Communication Gazette, vol 77, 4: pp. 315-336. First published online on February 13,2015. Read it.
Book Review: Public Relations Case Studies from Around the World, edited by Judy VanSlyke Turk, Jean Valin, and John Paluszek, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, June 2015 92: 528-29.
Book Review: Global Literary Journalism: Exploring the Journalistic Imagination, edited by Richard Lance Keeble and John Tulloch, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Winter 2015, vol. 92, issue 4, p. 1022-1023.
Kirsten Mogensen (2014):
Trust vs Crisis, Nordicom-Mediterraneum 9(3). Read it.
Bookreview: Henry jenkins, Sam Ford & Joshua Green: Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture, New York, 2013. Mediekultur, vol 30., no 56. Read it
Kirsten Mogensen (2013):
Visualizing a Mass Murder: The Portraits of Anders Bering Breivik in Danish National Dailies, Journal of Mass Media Ethics: Exploring Questions of Media Morality, 28:1, 64-67. Link to publisher.
Book review: Olof Hultén, Sune Tjernström & Stefan Melesko (eds): Media Mergers and the Defence of Pluralism, Mediekultur, Vol 29, no 55, p. 116-119, December 21 2013. Read review.
Book review: Julie Doyle: Mediating Climate Change, Mediekultur vol. 29, no. 55, p. 100-104, December 21, 2013. Read review.
Book review: Stig A. Nohrstedt (ed): Communicating Risk : Towards the Threat Society?. In: MedieKultur, Vol. 29, Nr. 54, 06.2013, s. 206-209.
Problems in Cross Cultural Trust Building : Case study of Danish Public Diplomacy in Pakistan 2011-2013, paper presented to "Fifth Seminar of the Nordic Research Network on Trust within and between Organizations", Copenhagen May 2013.
Kirsten Mogensen (2012)
Book review: Thomas J. Johnson & David D. Perlmutter: New Media, Campaigning and the 2008 Facebook Election, New York: Routledge. 2011. Mediekultur Read the review
"Mediating Trust in Terrorism Coverage", paper presented to AEJMC in Chicago, August 2012. Read it
Kirsten Mogensen (2011):
"The Ontogoly of: Mediated Trust in the Innovation Ecosystem." Read it . Paper presented to the Second Seminar of the Nordic Research Network on Trust within and between Organizations, Roskilde, Danmark.
Kirsten Mogensen(2010)
"From Chaos to Mourning: The Case of CNN" and "Journalistic Norms: The Media as Shepherd." Two chapters printed in Lessons from Ground Zero: Media Response to Terror, edited by Ralph Izard & Jay Perkins. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers. Read it.
Kirsten Mogensen & David Nordfors (2010): How Silicon Valley Journalists Talk about: Independence in Innovtion Coverage. Innovation Journaism, VOL.7 NO. 6 November 20 2010. As paper presented to IJ7, Academic Track, at Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA, June 9, and aso to IAMCR Conference, Braga, Portugal, July 20. Read it.
Kirsten Mogensen & Izard, Ralph (2010): Public Polls: Journalists Get Good Marks, in Covering Disaster : Lessons from Media Coverage of Katrina and Rita, edited by Ralph Izard & Jay Perkins. 1. ed. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, s. 103-109. Read it.
Kirsten Mogensen (2008):
Television during terror attacks, Media, War & Conflict, Vol.1 (1): 31-49. Los Angeles, London, New Delhi and Singapore: Sage. Read it.
Kirsten Mogensen (2007):
"How U.S. TV Journalists talk about Objectivity in 9/11 Coverage". Printed in Tomasz Pludowski (ed.) How the World's News Media Reacted to 9 / 11: Essays from Around the Globe Edited (1 ed.) (s. 301-318), Spokane, Washington: Marquette Books. Read the book.
Kirsten Mogensen (2005):
"The Liberal Struggle for Press Freedom". Paper presented at Oxford Round Table on Freedom of Speech and Press, Pembroke College, Oxford, England, and to AEJMC Convention 2005, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Kirsten Mogensen (2002)
Kirsten Mogensen, Laura Lindsay, Xigen Li, Jay Perkins & Mike Beardsley (2002):"How TV News Covered the Crisis: The Content of CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC and Fox." Printed in Bradley Greenberg (ed.): Communication and Terrorism. Public and Media Responses to 9/11, New Jersey: Hampton Press. Read the book.
"News as a Commercial Product: Why Journalistic Freedom may be good Business". Printed in Jerry Biberman & Abbass Alkhafaji (eds.) Business Research Yearbook. Global Business Perspectives, Volume IX 2002, IABD.