Fortsætterhold 2016- 2017
Instruktør Hanne Dalsig
Dans: Koreograf:
A love I think will last Hanne Dalsig
Be strong Andrey Watson
Blue anit your color Roy Verdonk & Jose Vane
Can´t stop the feeling Ann-Kristin sandberg
Dance with me tonigth Peter & Alison
Disappearring tall ligth Peter & Allison
Doing alright today Susanne Mose
Drinking with Dolly Severine fillion
Forever forevigt Annette Dida Nielsen
Gypsy queen Hazel Pace
Have you ever seen the rain Dee Musk
Head in the clouds NY Stig Ekstrøm & Malene Jakobsen
Heart of an angel William Brown
Hello summer Lee Hamilton
Hey ho Michaela svennson Erlandsson
I wanna try everything Tom Soenjo
Lord help me Marie Sørensen
Loved too much Kim Ray
Love like before Michaela Svensson Erlandsson
Mom the bomb Niels Poulsen & Alexis Strong
Oh my oh my Guylaine Bourdages
Oops Peter & Alison
Simple things Gaye Teather
Sunbeam Bruno Moggia
The bomb Kim Ray
The musicman Paul Bailey
Until the dawn Gary Lafferty
Vegas Baby Rachel, Shame & Niels Poulsen
Your heaven Niels Poulsen