Instruktør Hanne Dalsig
Dans: Koreograf:
A love I think will last Hanne Dalsig
Baby doll waltz Larry Bass
Baby don´t go Annie Saehrens
Better when I´m dancing Julia Wetzel
Big blue tree Ria Vos
Bosa nova Phil Dennington
Can´t stop the feeling Ny Ann-Kristin Sandberg
Come dance witrh me Nancy Hays
Cowboy charleston Hall and Miller
Cmon Cmon Gary lafferty
Den allersidste dans Annette Dida Nielsen
Disappearing tall light Allison & Peter
Everythng to us Niels Poulsen & Roy Verdonk
Hey Ho Micaela S. Erlandsson
I will try everything Tom L. Soenju
Just me and you Karen Kennedy
Lord help me Marie Sørensen
Maybe I could Robbie McGowan Hickie
Mini Mariana Jan Weish
Mom the bomb Niels Poulsen & alexis Strong
Queen of my heart Birte Thygesen
Rain Kate Sala
Tell the world Robbie McGowan Hickie
The Freeze Ukendt
The real deal Heather Barton & Willi Brown
Ticket to the blues Niels Poulsen
Tougher than that Dee Musk
Until the dawn Gary lafferty
Whole again Sue Johnstone
Dans: Koreograf:
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 Niels Poulsen
And get it on Daniel Trepat & Jose Miguel
Better whem I´m dancing Julie Wetzel
Bosanova Phil Dennington
Can´t stop the feeling NY Ann-Kristin Sandberg
Crazy for you Robbie McGowan Hickie
Fly high Maggie Gallagher
Heavently cha Dee Musk
Hey Ho Micaela S. Erlandsson
I wish Diana Dawson
Life of the party Maddison Glover
Locklins bar Maggie Gallager
Los lappie Vera Kuiper
Love her for a while Peter & Alison
Love is like Maggie Gallagher
Maybe I could Robbie McGowan Hickie
Mom, the bomb Niels Poulsen & Alexis strong
Not without us Ria Vos
Quater after one Levi J. Hubbard
Shakatak Kate Sala
Side by side Patricia Stott
Sinatra & chardonney Peter & Alison
Stitches Amy Glass
The blarney roses Maggie Gallagher
The bomb Kim Ray
UP Peter & Allison
We only live once Robbie McGowan Hickie
When tomorrow comes Geoff Langford
Whiskey in the jar Maggie Gallagher