No need to jump in 2 kg (4 lb.) - 2,5 kg (5 lb.) - 5 kg (10 lb.) increments any longer
Just add FeatherWeight!
"Allows you to easily customize your workout by varying use of these weights"
(Henrik, Physical therapist and personal trainer, SATS, Aarhus, Denmark)
Will not slide or fall off
Will not damage weight stack or machine
For use on not coated magnetic dumbbells
- can be adapted different brands
Easy to tilt of
- and store
"FeatherWeight makes it much easier to add weight faster"
(Rikke, Member SATS, Aarhus, Denmark)
For use on strength machine weight stack
- can be adapted different brands
"FeatherWeight makes our strength equipment a lot better"
(Patrick, Centre manager, SATS, Aarhus, Denmark)
Easy to store
- or just let it hang
Elegant design from Scandinavia
- fits everything magnetic
Tempting to let it be
finding it on
Fits kettlebells
with a flat area