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The Dream Cup

Every October, we gather all our football clubs connected to Adopt a Club for a big tournament. Every team prepares for many months before the tournament, and they always come with great expectation. The tournament ends with Dream Factory handing over prizes like: The MVP player under 15 and under 17, the top scorer, prizes to the runners up team, and of course trophies for the winning teams. Furthermore we have a partnership with the Zambian Health Department that puts up a tent every year. In this way, young people can be tested for HIV/AIDS. The Dream Cup is always a great day with a lot of life. It's only because we have a dedicated staff and volunteers that this day can be done!

In 2012, we had 11 teams, 6 teams in the tournament under 15 years, and 5 teams in the tournament under 17 years. In total we had around 250 players for this year's Dream Cup!

See more pictures from the tournament HERE.

Dream Factory Zambia (NPO) | Plot 5, Kansenshi small holdings, P.O. Box 70771, Ndola - Zambia | Phone: +26 0968 97 8442 | info@dreamfactoryzambia.org