Benefits of single speed bike
Single speed bike got its name for its functionality that is it utilizes single gear ratio. This bike is unique in comparison to other bikes that possess hub gearing, derailleur system and other such features. They are available in a variety of kinds such as mountain, road, trek as well as hybrid bikes. Most bikes available for kids are in this section of gearing bikes. There are a number of cyclists that prefer this type of bike because of the simplicity in maintenance, cost and many other aspects.
If you are searching for the riding option to school or college then single speed bike can be the alternative to go for. It is the choice of majority people today. This is because shifting of gears and cables will not be required while riding. This is the design that is appealing not only for beginners but also others those who want a simple bike that they can ride easily from one place to another.
One more reason why most of the people prefer this type of fixie bike is because of low maintenance. If you have a complicated bike then you have to be careful about the various parts and gear of it. When there are many parts you will be have to be more responsible for fixing the problems that might take place. More the number of parts in your bike, you will have to put in more time to keep a check on it. This will also increase the weight of the bike. Thus when compared to a complex bike, it is easier to handle as well as maintain the fixed gear bike.
In order to ride fixie bike you need not have to struggle a lot. The only thing that you need to do is to pedal when you want to run the bike and when you want to stop it you need to apply brake. One thing you need to be keep in mind is that this fixie gear bike is suitable for smooth road only and not to be rode on various terrains.
As these bikes are made for flat roads and paved roads it is a good option for racers also. Usually racers prefer these bikes as it is simple and requires low maintenance which makes it possible to practice for long hours without any problem.
It is not only a good option for racers but also for newbie's. In case you are the newbie and buying the bike for the first time then this can be a great alternative. You can take the bike anywhere you want as long as the road is flat and smooth. One thing you need to keep in mind is that you need to wear the right attire at the time of riding the fixie. The reason behind this is to make sure that there are no uncertain circumstances at the time of riding the bike because of the wrong attire that you have worn.
Read on this page more about this bike.