All about fixed gear bikes
Amongst the many different types of bikes the fixed gear bikes are the ones which are considered to be the simplest. The professionals usually recommend these bikes to the beginners. The fixies are the ones which are easy to ride and hence all the newbie's can get started with these for the first time. This bike does not have a gear at all when other bikes have their own kind of gear. Therefore it becomes easier for the one who is riding any kind of a bike for the first time. You will be aware of the fact that riding a fixie has never been rocket science. You just have to pedal it and you will move forward. It is just as simple as it sounds to be.
Thus you might have noticed that the fixie will stop when you stop pedaling. At the time you wish to go forward or race, you will then have to improve the speed of pedaling. As the speed depends on the rider that is you it is important that you be very careful. It is for you to know that as it lacks free wheels coasting will just be impossible. At times you may feel that these fixed gear bikes are those used by teens but then this is not true. Other than the beginners, a few professional riders also use this type of bike.
The major reason why a few professionals have chosen these types of fixie bikes is because they are light weighted. Most of the bikes are made up of aluminum, steel, or then carbon fiber too. But then these kinds of bikes are not made up of such heavy materials and therefore it becomes very easy to ride over it also. There are a number of reasons why professionals and others ride the fixie bikes. The first and the foremost reason is that they are good for exercising and keeping your legs well in shape. They are not specially made up for one gender but anybody like a boy or girl can ride over it.
You might have noticed that most of the people who own the fixed gear bikes are city residents. As these bikes are made up for the roads you will find a lot of them in the city area. In case you are beginner and planning to ride, and then ensure that you do not take the bike to the hilly region. It might either stop working or you might fall badly and injure yourself. The best part of the fixies is that they are well-organized and you need to paddle in order to reach the desired place at the expected time. This may sound tiring but at the time your feet starts pedaling you will note that the efficiency as well as the speed is increased automatically.
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