Originally from Uberwald, Moist von Lipwig was orphaned at an early age and was raised by his grandfather. He was bullied at school and so ran away and became a travelling conman. During this time, Lipwig became an expert forger and used a number of aliases, including Albert Spangler. It was under the name of Spangler that he was caught and faced execution in Ankh-Morpork at the beginning of Going Postal – Sky1
The daughter of Robert Dearheart, founder of the Grand Trunk Semaphore Company, and sister of the murdered John Dearheart, Adora is cynical, angry and a heavy smoker. She previously worked in a bank but she lost her job when Moist von Lipwig, before he knew her, ruined the banks. Adora currently works for the Golem Trust – Sky1
Mr. Pump is a golem who is tasked with serving as a parole officer-slash-assistant to Moist von Lipwig. Mr. Pump got his start in the golem business by working in a hole pumping water (hence the name) for 240 years - his creators had failed to tell him when he was supposed to stop pumping, and golems never stop performing a task until said task is completed. His tracking skills are impeccable - Moist von Lipwig is powerless to escape him – Sky1
One of the last two postmen remaining at Ankh-Morpork’s Post Office, Groat is the oldest junior postman on the Disc. But shortly after Moist von Lipwig’s arrival as postmaster, he is promoted to senior postman. He is unmarried and without children, but is the closest thing to family fellow postman Stanley has. Not one for personal hygiene, Groat’s clothes, and appearance, have seen better days – Sky1
The current Patrician of Ankh-Morpork, Havelock Vetinari was born into a wealthy and influential family. He was educated at the Assassins’ Guild and is himself a former assassin. In his role as Patrician, he discovered that people only really want stability and that tomorrow should more or less resemble today. It is said that Vetinari can accomplish more with irony than most others can with steel. He is an expert Thud player and plays a long-distance game with Lady Margolotta of Uberwald, communicating moves via Clacks – Sky1
A ruthless businessman with a piratical appearance, Reacher Gilt is a shameless fraudster who maintains his monopoly by having anybody who may pose a threat to him killed. Gilt is chairman of the Grand Trunk Company, having stolen the business from the Dearheart family – Sky1
A faithful and loyal servant to Lord Vetinari, Drumknott is the Patrician’s chief clerk and secretary. A quiet and studious man, Drumknott is an excellent clerk, performing whatever task Vetinari requires, often being one step ahead of his boss providing him with whatever he needs before he asks for it. Drumknott has a penchant for stationery and likes to design newer and more efficient forms of ring binder – Sky1
An orphan, born and raised in Ankh-Morpork’s Post Office, Stanley is a strange young man who learned to read from the envelopes waiting to be delivered. Obsessed with pins, he is a ‘pinhead’ collecting every type of pin known on the Disc. His infatuation with pins is soon overtaken by a new interest in stamps, and Moist von Lipwig makes Stanley the Post Office’s first head of stamps – Sky1
The "eclectically attractive" Sacharissa Crisplock is the daughter of an engraver and a reporter with the Ankh Morpork Times. She has an undeniable nose for news and is always first on the scene when a story breaks – Sky1
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