
Bioproteins are derived from natural gas fermentation, utilising a bacterial culture containing mainly the methanotroph Methylococcus Capsulatus. The production of biotproteins is a revolution for the world's climate, because it is a carbon neutral process and they can be grown rapidly on substrates with minimum dependence on soil, water and climate conditions.
Is bioprotein the answer to the worlds feed problems?
We believe that the carbon neutral production of bioprotein, given the rapidity with which it can be grown, will give the world a big uplift in food production.

Why use bioprotein?
Because it is the greenest and most rapidly grown baterial protein and will have a beneficial impact on the environment.

Technical Information

This technology has been developed over the last fifty year, since the 1960's.
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Bioprotein is a single cell protein with a long history, and its production process has been developed to a level of efficiency that will help the world with its future food production problems.
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BioTec Protein

Important protein products

In this section we will give you more specific information about bioproteins.
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Biotec Protein ApS © 2012 | Egelundsvej 18 2 sal, DK-5260 Odense  | Tlf.: +45 20 15 44 15
Biotec Protein ApS © 2012