Welcome to My Magical Island
This Island is MORE than the actual island where I live. It´s for me a place in my heart where ANYTHING is possible. Where all the doors are open and all my dreams are floating in constant movement.
Life in itself is pure magic - its just a matter of perception..... 
Hang in there... 
Mega fossile 
Flintstones from the Stoneage..... This Island is MAGICAL 
Olivetree - 300 years old 
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Amazing evening at the beach... 
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We no longer have to carry the burden any longer..... LET IT GO
Take your power back <3 
I found this child footprint in stone this weekend on Öland. WAW
As Michael Tellinger found a giant footprint in stone in Africa, I started to look differently at the stones here on Öland.
Its Amazing how much we are missing when talking about fossils..... 
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My roots goes back - a loong way - through time & space, many lives and many cycles.
The systems and pathways for "stuff" to travel through it all - is more than complex. That is why we don´t always see the meanings of situations acuring in our life, cause it comes from beyond this life - the good thing is, that the situation presented to you NOW, is your opportunity to embrace the message, change your respond to it, release it and then let it go! 
Clearing out your energy - to live a balanced life 
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My soul is marked
Like cracks in the stones
Hard lessons I learned
Cut into my bones
Hard as a rock
But soft as silk
It´s time to get paid
Abundance to milk
The Magical Island
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My burden in life
The weight on my back
I have given too much
Walking my track
Focus on healing
Service to you
Now it is time
For me to heal too
The Magical Island
Photo/Text: Betina Huber
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The line in the sand
My heart on the line
Take care of my soul
Make sure I am fine
I know you are there
Connecting with me
Soon we will meet
Reunion you see
The Magical Island
Photo/Text: Betina Huber
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This beautiful planet
A world of art
Every millimeter
Just gets to my heart
Fascination, Respect
I hold for this place
Nature is healing
Pure love & grace
The Magical Island
Photo/Text: Betina Huber
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I am the hand - creator of me
Where do I dream myself to be?
I searched and I found - exact the right vibe
This Magical Island - along with my tribe
The Magical Island
Stairs to freedom
One step at the time
Are you heading up
or fearing decline?
Each day is a choice
Follow your flow
Your heart will show
which way to go
The Magical Island
Photo/Text: Betina Huber
Seeds of hope
All ready to go
Pure and perfect
In light and glow
Life will thrive
Expand and grow
Time is changing
All form as we know
The Magical Island
Photo/Text: Betina Huber 
öland the magical island
The brighter I become - the darker the contrast.
The price of evolving is accepting the bigger and bigger gab between your past stepping stone and your new one.
No going back. No unlearning. Just releasing my past and thanking it for all learned lessons. Weeping a tear for everything thats´s staying behind. Not coming. Embracing the light ahead. New stones in sight.
The Magical Island
Photo/Text: Betina Huber
I am a leaf - I am water - I am the light in the sky.
An extension of source, a vessel of vibes.
I am as translucent as everything around me - if I choose to be.
I am as complex as the smallest little plant, not even aware.
The greatest of life - is experienced in the simplicity around me.
The magical pulsation throughout my being, constantly amazes me.
The Magical Island
Photo/Text: Betina Huber
I am as gentle as a lion - as soft as a stone.
I´m stubborn as few, right into the bone.
I have walked through the fire, but I´m still here.
I´ll never give up - my heart is too dear.
The Magical Island
Photo/Text: Betina Huber
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The Glass BOX | Mörbylånga - Öland - Sweden | Tel:: +46735360059 | artistbetinahuber@gmail.com