Hundene / The Dogs / Annazobelle's Image of Love

Annazobelle's Image of Love

Født 28.05.2017
Opdrætter Kennel Annazobelle
Ejer: Lone Pedersen & Kennel Annazobelle
CEA fri 21.7.2017
CEA/PRA/KAT fri 23.01.2019
cea/PRA/Kat fri 3.3.2022
CEA gen.fri
MDR1 gen.fri
PRA-shet (CNGA1) gen.fri
HD A/B - AD 0
 Sanscott Take A Chance on Me With Mohnesee   GBCH Mohnesee Musical Illusion 
 Mohnesee Bandmaster 
 Mohnesee Bewitched 
Sanscott Delightful Dream   Mohnesee Dreamsmith
 Shellyvales Lady Valentine at Sanscott 
 DKCH INTCH LUCH Mainlands Amber Rose  
  Sheldon Sinner 
 Brilyn Teddy Bear
 Sheldon Sporty Puff 
 Mainlands Bachelorette   Japaro By Design
 Mainlands Timberley
Crufts Qualified 2019
Kennel Annazobelle v/Anna Larsen, Vestermarksvej 1, Frørup, 6070 Christiansfeld - Tlf. 2094 0679 /3262 0679. Mail