SPAIN / Health System & Social Security

Health System & Social Security

Social Security
Social security is a set of measures that society provides to people to avoid economic and social imbalances that may mean the reduction or loss of income due to misfortunes such as illness, accident, maternity or unemployment.
Therefore, it refers primarily to a field of social welfare related to social protection or coverage of the socially recognized
Today, social security is considered as a human right untouchable.

Who is it for?
To the general population, to social security institutions, teachers, parents, workers, but especially to children and teens who are the future of the society.
The foreigners also have security social?
Foreigners can have social security if they meet any of the requirements:
Be pensioner of the Security Social.
Be perceptor of any other provision periodic of it security Social, included the provision and the subsidy by unemployment or others like it.
Having exhausted the benefit or allowance for unemployment or other benefits like it, be unemployed, does not represent the condition of insured by any other title and reside in Spain.

The foreigners not registered or authorized as residents in Spain can’t have security social. Only in the following exceptions:
As urgency by disease serious or accident, any that is its cause, until the situation of high medical.
Such as assistance to pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. In all case, the foreigners under 18 years receive assistance health in the same conditions that the Spanish.
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