Cavalierbyen Loveable Charlie from Denmark

Olivia Newton John vom Goldenen Mühlbach from Germany

Highroad Riga (Diva) from Norway 

Zorro Perle du Zahel from the Czech Republic

Celxo Jennifer Lopes from England

King Charles II med sine hunder

We began breeding dogs in 1985 when we got our first dog breed. We've had some different races: Pyrenean mountain dog, Tibetan Terrier, American Cocker Spaniel and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

An American Cocker live with us now, but not for breeding.
We have had Cavalier King Charles since 1996 ..

You are welcome to hear from you if you want a dog from us, or if you have something else on your mind.

Our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


The origin of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

       I Lissie Kold Huseby og Kåre Kjebekk Huseby | Norge -, Norwegen - Norway - Noruega | Phone: +47 53426476 |