Fakirbengal Black Velvet from Canada

Silverbengal Unique Magic from Germany

Globengal Kool Canadian from Canada

Leopardettes Totally Perfect from Sweden

Avmoster Grevinne Barbie from Norway

Vår første bengal

The Bengal Cat has a happy, active, interactive and extremely intelligent personality. The energetic Bengal is not for people who just want a leopard print cat for decoration. While Bengals will happily search out a lap or stretch out on the sofa next to you during naptime, they are very active during the rest of the day.

Cats have always been in our family. We began breeding pedigree cats in 1994 when we got our first cat with pedegree.  

Our Bengal-cats


The origin of the Bengal-cat

www.avmoster.com I Lissie Kold Huseby og Kåre Kjebekk Huseby | Norge -, Norwegen - Norway - Noruega | Phone: +47 53426476 | lissiekoldhuseby@avmoster.com