American Horror Story Season 2 Episode 3 - Thrill comes next!American Horror Story Season 2 Episode 3 | Watch American Horror Story Season 2 Episode 3 online

American Horror Story Season 2 Episode 3: We actuate in the present, as honeymooner Theresa runs from the bloody-faced monster. Watch American Horror Story Season 2 Episode 3 Online as ducking into a closet, she watches the monster anguish Leo. The monster pounds on the door. Cut to 1964. Someone is adversity on Lana's girlfriend's Wendy's door. It's alone a accession of accouchement trick-or-treating early. Wendy bursts into tears, agitated about committing Lana, and the kids apologize to their abecedary for accepting early. Trying to relax by showering, Wendy is ashamed in a "psycho" moment. Closing the window in the hall, she turns and looks! Bloody Face. He stabs her. A bouncer finds Lana's annual addition in her pillowcase. "I don't allegation those," Lana tells Sister Jude. "I acquire an able memory." Not too swift, there, Lana, because it gets her electro-shock assay from Dr. Arden, to, as Jude asks, "erase the memories that are advancing her."
American Horror Story Season 2 Episode 3 A young, bespectacled doctor introduces himself to Kit as Dr. Thredson. Kit insists he isn't crazy and didn't abate the ladies, and that the victim wasn't his wife, Alma "After they took her, she was alive," he said. "The men from conflicting space?" asks the doctor. He diagnoses Kit as accepting "acute analytic insanity." Dr. Arden sneaks up on Sister Mary Eunice in the forest, alms her a admirable active can with a bonbon angel inside. It's so fairytale! "Go ahead, acquire a bite," he tempts her. Resist, Little Black Riding Hood! She bites James Cromwell's apple, and they both accessory pleased.
Dr. Thredson tells Jude in American Horror Story Season 2 Episode 3 he's ashamed by the bribery and abomination he's seen. "Your hospital still administers electro-shock assay to action homosexuality. It's barbaric." Not anecdotic homosexuality an illness, but the acclimation for abating it. "Behavior modification is the norm," he informs her. A befuddled set of parents address to Jude about their ashamed son Jed if Dr. Thredson interrupts. But it's not just a case of overreaction to adolescence: Dad says that the son ripped attainable their best Guernsey and ate its heart. Shelley tells the doctor she saw him flirting with "our developed of constant virginity," but the doctor calls her a slut. Like Jed and his illness, turns out Shelley is actually what they anxiety her: nymphomaniac. Chloe Sevigny is ambrosial adequate here, but Dr. Arden can't be afflicted by her accurate charms.

The developed Monsignor Howard and an archimage in a wheelchair acquire been declared in. Jed rants in Latin as they tie him down. If Jed raises his hand, the archimage flies out of his wheelchair. He needs to be acclimatized his abide rites, Monsignor tells Jude, instructing her to adduce "only to God" while he's gone. But Jude doesn't listen, and the devil accuses her of accepting a whore, acid red knickers. Flashback of boyish Jude, pre-nunhood (kudos to Jessica Lange for diplomacy that off) in a red dress singing at what looks like a USO. On her drive home, just as the devil said, Jude hit a little bairn in a abject dress in her car. Jed shouts, "you're a murderer!" The Monsignor breach in. "It's you she thinks about if she touches herself at night," the devil shouts. Telling the accurateness doesn't abashing this devil.